Composing with Social Media ENGL 505
Social Media What is Social Media? How can I use it in my courses? What are the benefits?
What is social media? “Social media is the media we use to be social. That's it.” - Lon Safko The Social Media Bible Talking, writing, sharing, commenting, creating, producing—with others.
Social Media Sites Using the power of the Web to connect people to one another.
Social Media Features User interactivity Content sharing and distribution Personalized web space Collaborating with like individuals Organizing causes, events, or groups Communicating with friends, peers, and professionals
Social Media In/Out of Class Use/analyze social media – Use Group work Professional networking and communication Live-tweet conferences, presentations, etc. Class backchannel Content-sharing
Social Media In/Out of Class Use/analyze social media – Analyze Communication in different genres, audiences, or spaces Private/professional split (Privacy issues like “Spokeo,” Pipl, and Googling your name) Parallels with writing (images, links, sharing) Free speech, community action, public scrutiny
Other ideas? Brainstorm ideas for uses. – Have you used social media in class before? – Have students brought ideas or experiences with social media to your attention?
Sample Social Media Assignments Privacy issues exploration – Spokeo, Pipl, etc. – Private/public composing spaces Profile creation with Linkedin – Web presence, discuss possibilities of online resume/digital networking. Digital ethos. Class Tumblr, blog, Youtube channel, etc. for showcasing work (public face of class) – Feedback and reactions
Bryan Lutz's Civic Engagement and Social Media ine/Lutz/Conclusion1.html Has students engage with social media and civic engagement through examining the “Arab Spring” as a new way to organize civil disobedience and protests. Similar possibilities: Occupy Wall Street
Current Discussions “Cult of the Amateur” (from about 9 min.) People without Facebook accounts are “suspicious” people-without-facebook-accounts-are-suspicious/ Caitlin Flanagan's “Babes in the Woods” woods/305974/
Critique or Mockery? Or, Gawker's re-posting of Hunger Games tweets. dont-care-how-much-money-the-movie-made -Have students think about audience and what sort of discussions we can have about where and how discourse happens online -”Look at these awful people” vs. looking at the underlying people, events, and feelings playing out in social media spaces.
Where to go next Make connections to collaboration in text creation or design Privacy issues, long-term effects Composing in conversation with others (and not in a vacuum) Fair-use, content sharing, and re-posts. Who “owns” content on social media sites?