Em Part of the ITUC Decent Work Decent Life for Women campaign & within the framework of MDG3
Young women’s decisions Career Family planning Work/life balance How can I combine work with family? How do I choose a career? How do I keep my job when I fall pregnant?
But there are work Job security Discrimination Tough working conditions Flexible and long hours Sexual harassment HIV/AIDS
Decisions for Life has a solution! It targets..It targets..young women workers and job seekers in the service sector & other sectors Aiming at..Aiming at..raising awareness & empowering young women to make those decisions
In brief MDG3 Fund Funding: Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, MDG3 Fund Duration: October 2008 – June 2011 Key partners: ITUC ITUC UNI + other GUFs UNI + other GUFs WageIndicator Foundation WageIndicator Foundation University of Amsterdam/AIAS University of Amsterdam/AIAS
Trade union campaign
Web campaign Women’s websites labour legislation wages working conditions interviews of young women facing a challenge information on skills for various sectors multiple country-specific web tools job searching tips
Where? In 14 countries in 4 regions: Angola Botswana* Malawi* Mozambique South Africa Zambia Zimbabwe Azerbaijan Belarus Kazakhstan Ukraine Brazil India Indonesia *web campaigns only
How? What are the topics of interest of young women? How to reach/organize young women? How do young women become empowered? How do young women improve their conditions of work?
An innovative method DFL campaign is about me! Young women organize young women Create places for young women Develop leadership & negotiation skills Mentoring Be informed Gain confidence Decide for yourself Take action Make your dreams come true!
Impact: Young Women…..gain knowledge about their rights & acquire new skills EMPOWERED to take action Be informed
Impact: Young Women… …identify common challenges & dreams, are inspired, gain collective strength & confidence SPEAK OUT & become ACTIVISTS & LEADERS Be informed Gain confidence
Impact: Young Women… … decide when to get married, when to become a parent, change their career path, talk with their partner TAKE CONTROL of their own lives Be informed Gain confidence Decide for yourself
Impact: Young Women… …negotiate with employer, set up trade unions, engage in CBAs, influence government policies etc. Become CAMPAIGNERS & inspire other young women to join! Be informed Gain confidence Decide for yourself Take action
Impact: Trade Unions Increase in TU membership. DFL rejuvenates TU leadership. Young women’s issues in the gender and TU programmes (e.g. organising). TUs become more appealing to young women. TU use ICT more intensively. DFL builds coalitions on the national, regional and international level.
What’s Next? Young Women’s Conference 9-11 May 2010, Amsterdam Global young women’s network!
For more information visit: life.html
“Before we were not consulted in matters of policy, now we are making policies” Trade union women coordinators