Partner-Pair-Share Review the following concepts with your team: Similarity and difference between hypothesis and null hypothesis…. Give example of each Difference and similarity between control group and experimental group… give example of each What makes “science” such a powerful approach to understand the world?
Classification of Energy Kinetic energy- energy of motion. Potential energy- energy that is stored.
First law of thermodynamics Energy is neither created or destroyed. You can’t get something from nothing.
With your partner Create another example of the 1 st law of thermodynamics…. In your example include its energy input and energy output * Automobile Engine Chemical Kinetic * Heater/Furnace Chemical Heat * Hydroelectric Gravitational Electrical * Solar Optical Electrical * Nuclear Nuclear Heat, Kinetic, Optical * Battery Chemical Electrical * Food Chemical Heat, Kinetic * Photosynthesis Optical Chemical
Second law of thermodynamics When energy is transformed, the quantity of energy remains the same, but its ability to do work decreases. Figure % 15% 26.8% The annual CO 2 reduction is in the hundreds of pounds for a single lamp. Entropy- all systems move toward randomness rather than toward order.
This randomness is always increasing in a system, unless new energy from the outside of the system is added to create order. Entropy- all systems move toward randomness rather than toward order.
With your partner – come up with another example of 2 nd law of thermodynamics and entropy
Second law of thermodynamics Energy Efficiency- the ratio of the amount of work that is done to the total amount of energy that is introduced into the system.
Figure 2.14
Second law of thermodynamics Energy quality- the ease with which an energy source can be used for work. High quality energy to do high quality task. Low quality energy can’t be used to do a high quality task, where as high quality energy can be used to perform any task,low or high quality. electricity, which is a high quality form of energy. It can be converted to mechanical energy (in running electric motors), Thermal energy (in heating water), Electromagnetic radiation (in Radio broadcast) with little loss of energy while changing form. Wood heating is a low quality task, can keep a room warm, but cannot fuel a car or a city
The environmentalists say "use high quality energy for only high quality tasks and don't use it for low quality tasks". What is the logic behind this? High quality energy is produced at great energy cost and environmental cost. Avoid use of electrical energy for room heating and cooling, instead use fuel energy or solar energy for heating and use thermal design such as passive cooling for the buildings, which lowers the room temperature by 5 to 7 degrees centigrade.
2 nd Law and shortages of resources What is the relationship between the 2 nd law of thermodynamics and shortages of resources? Energy is changed from one form to another some of the useful energy is always degraded to lower quality energy….. So we continually need use high quality resources to continue to do work
The conversion of low-quality energy to high-quality energy violates which physical law? A ) First Law of Thermodynamics B ) Second Law of Thermodynamics C ) Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics D ) Coulomb's Law E ) Law of Inertia
Scientific notation
1. Know the difference between work and power. Know how to calculate each (formals given). 2. Know the purpose of the scientific notation and how to convert between decimals and sci. notation as well as multiplication and division
Chemical energy – potential energy stored in chemical bonds (ie food or gasoline) 130C180C 310C 310,000c 1,297,660J 60kg m