Year 8 Web Design Project Your task is to design a 3 page website for a school extra-curricular club of your choice. It maybe one you attend such as rugby, table tennis or CC4G. It could also be a club that you’d like to start or would like the school to run. Your club will be part of the ‘MyClub’ brand and therefore a certain amount of the layout and styling has been taken care of for you - but the information and final look of the site will be yours. Your site will consist of 3 pages: Home Page(index.htm)This is the first page of your website, introducing the user to what the clubs about and what sorts of things will be found on your site. Gallery(gallery.htm)Here you will include pictures about your chosen club, taken by yourself or taken from the internet. Club details(clubdetails.htm)This page will have the times and dates of your club, maybe highlighting any upcoming events.
Year 8 Web Design Project - Home page Our ‘Chess Club’ example site Links to other pages in the site Logos Introduction about the site This idea has been made to look sensible and not particularly eye-catching - yours will be much better.
Year 8 Web Design Project - Gallery Our ‘Chess Club’ example site Links to other pages in the site Logos Selection of photos related to your club
Year 8 Web Design Project - Club Details Our ‘Chess Club’ example site Links to other pages in the site Logos Details about your club and links to other real websites