Web 2.0 Dept of Horticulture Matt JagerJohn McQueenRoger Leigh
What is our goal with Web 2.0? To build our capacity to: Save time and money (e.g. fewer s, free calls, increased efficiency) Work effectively and efficiently in groups Engage stakeholders with web-based programming (websites, interactive elements, webinars and short courses)
is about… Is about You… Create your personal page let others know who you are and what you do become recognized for your expertise Get trained on and use free tools collaborative authorship and review communication (streaming audio and video, webconferencing, Facebook, Twitter) project management
is about… Is about community and collaboration …join and form Groups Manage, document and report on your project in one location. Discuss research results, outreach ideas, and experiences Store all images, reports, and presentations for 24-7 access Discuss pressing questions. Stay on top of what your group members are thinking. Make decisions. Work on group projects, including web content, proposals, articles, presentations, problem-solving
Examples of workspace use Manage a committee, lab or project Write a proposal or paper collaboratively Coordinate a class or student group Collaboratively develop and manage a public website
Example: OSU Vegetable Production Guides
Vegetable Production Guides Group Image gallery
OSU Veg Guides - process Copy guide content into workspace (original remains as public site) Bring together OSU/WSU/Idaho vegetable research and extension personnel as a group in the workspace. Include ag professionals, farmers, commission administrators, people from outside the region as appropriate. Work as a group to develop process and assign content to specific individuals or groups (weeds, fertility, general production, specific crops, etc) – all of this discussed and documented in workspace
Collaboratively update and develop the content. Mash-up with photos and video. Link to PNW Pest Management Handbooks (coordinate with that initiative). The group can decide to peer review all or some parts of the content. Some individuals may want to do this to document scholarship or to improve content quality – or to recruit new authors! Publish revisions once they have been reviewed, revised and copy edited. This process is collaborative and iterative. Any group member can update or edit any page at any time. The group would decide how/when revisions would be republished to replace the current article. OSU Veg Guides - process
Funded by CSREES Organic Program
Dept of Horticulture Collaboration and Web Publishing Group Need additional funds for platform development and user support!
Other Web 2.0 Activities Workshop series – first two this week! Learn conceptually and hands-on about: – Web 2.0 – Applications in extension, teaching and research Web 2.0 in the classroom Open Science – transforming research – collaborative workspace – webinar and short course strategies – Video/Flip Cams – Feed-readers – Facebook and Twitter – and more! – Contact Matt Jager to sign up for a workshop in your area. Information on these tools will be available through the workspace. – We can also train you and your group – virtually!
Turf website: Rob Golembiewski and Matt Jager are developing a turf website from the workspace – should be up this fall Hort faculty are adopting Web 2.0 strategies: – Robin Rosetta is Tweeting – several faculty (and our new Dean!) are blogging – Patty Skinkis is delivering her viticulture course via Adobe Connect to viticulturalists. – Contact them to learn more about what they are doing Other Web 2.0 Activities
Keep up with Sonny! Join the workspace and attend a workshop!