By N. RAJINI Under the Guidance of M. SURULINATHI Assistant Professor Department of Library and Information Science
STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Library has computerized, with a large number of collection. Students can only get information in printed documents such as text books, journals, magazines and news papers. Students may not have ICT knowledge which is not accepted in this information age. There are no electronic documents to help students get all the information they may need for their studies. By keeping this view in mind, the researcher intends to undertake the study on “Design and Development of Library Website for Bharathidasan University College at Perambalur using Webnode”.
OBJECTIVES To create a Library Website for Bharathidasan University College at Perambalur. To improve the user-friendliness and to enable convenient access to the different kinds of information and services mounted on the websites by users. To help the users to access information relevant to their fields. To help users to access information required from the databases such as Bibliography databases and full-text databases. To help users to know various search engines and subject gateways.
METHODOLOGY Resources were selected from the internet based on subscription and open access resources. The electronic resources were already evaluated by professionals, Librarians and information Centers and have proved their authenticity to be used by students, scholars and faculty. Various resources from other websites were select for the website.
Tools used for the Study Webnode is a free ajax based website builder. Users selected to design from a massive list of template designs. Other than that, Webnode brings drag and drop functionality to add content to your website. It support for make a free website with a free domain name easily with Webnode! Webnode is a tool for the fast and easy creation of web sites online.
PROFILE OF BDU COLLEGE, PERAMBALUR With the combined effort of Government of Tamilnadu and Bharathidasan University, Bharathidasan University College was started at Perambalur on 17th September The college is mainly meant for rural students. It was started with strength of 475 students enrolled in seven courses. Now in a short spell of four years the college has grown up to provide 12 Under Graduate and 2 Post Graduate courses with strength of 1,650 students with 14 Assistant professors, 75 Lecturers and 20 Non-teaching staff under its roof.
College Library The Library has a collection of Books, Periodicals, E-Resources and other documents that cover various subjects like Tamil, English, Mathematics, Commerce, Science, and Computer Science and so on. The college library has been established in the year 2006 and currently has over 6500 text books.
Library Rules: Membership: Faculty, Research Scholars, Students, Ministerial and Support staff of the Bharathidasan university are eligible to become member of the library. Reference Access : The section is open to general public and the students, staff and faculty of the affiliated colleges and other institutions for in-house reference with due permission. Borrowing facility : Each member has issued with an Identity – cum- library membership barcode card and books are issued for 15 days for students and 30 days for faculty. The number of borrowing books by members may vary from category to category. No Dues certificate : Members are required to surrender the barcode membership ID card and Issued books at circulation counter to avail the NO DUES certificate.
Library Collection The Library has a collection of Books, Periodicals, E-Resources and other documents that covers various subjects like Tamil, English, Mathematics, Commerce, Science, Computer Science and so on. Our college library has been established in the year 2006 and currently we have over 6500 text books.
Home page of Library
Library Collection The Library has the following collection Books currently over 6500 text books.
Library Services Perambalur university College Library provides these services to its users.
Subject Gateway
Web OPAC It is an online catalogue facility that enables speedy searching of library database including books, periodicals. While the internal OPAC uses colon classification, the web OPAC uses mark-21 format, a standard format used internationally to search for database. The search results are helpful in getting complete detail of the document related to search query, saving the time and energy of the searching person.
Chat with Librarian Users can chat with the librarian for any clarification through online services at library hours.
Photo Gallery BDUCL Digital Gallery provides free and open access to over 500 images captured from various function of BD University College.
Links to Course Materials NPTEL E-Learning MIT Open Courseware Learning Space World Lecture Hall Open Courseware
CONCLUSION Web design is a broad term covering many different skills and disciplines that are used in the production and maintenance of websites. It support for make a free website with a free domain name easily with Webnode! Library Website is a tool for the fast and easy creation and access of Resources and Services.
I am very glad to express my sincere gratitude to Mr. M. SURULINATHI, Assistant Professor, Department of Library and Information Science, Bharathidasan University for his guidance and encouragement throughout my project. I would like to thank Dr. S. SRINIVASARAGAVAN, Librarian & Head, Department of Library & Information Science, and Bharathidasan University for his encouragement. I am very much thankful to Assistant Professors Dr. R. Balasubramani, Dr. N. Amsaveni, Mr. C. Ranganathan, Mr. B. Jeyapragash and Technical Officers B. Neelakandan, C. Kokila, P. Jayanthi and other Library staffs helping me as a resource person and providing me his valuable suggestions. I would like to thank to Research Scholars and Students of Department of library and Information Science, Bharathidasan University. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT