Srikanth Marepalli
Introduction is an online bookmarks aggregating service. We can organize all our favorite web sites into different tabs called a webmix. You can use a new tab for different category of web links. All the websites are organized in a visually informative way called tiles. There is a center box widget which can start a small application in it. We can add, share or discover webmixes in symbaloo.
Benefits of Saves a lot of time in navigating to your favorite website by setting symbaloo as homepage. Organize your internet stuff in a better way. Since symbaloo is cloud based you never have to worry about losing your bookmarks. Share your favorite web sites with your friends or anyone by sharing the webmix you created. Find useful web sites shared by others in gallery.
Try Symbaloo for Mobile Available on the App Store for iOS Available on the Google Play store for Android
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