REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE European Integration & International Co-operation dept. State Statistical Office-Macedonia Document MGSC/2006-1/12 Point 3.2 Scope of work of an International relation department Prepared by Vesna Cvetanova
REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE Our place within the SSO chart: -Direct consultations with DG when necessary -Wide “independence” in everyday work -Employees: two persons with permanent contract, one person on part time contract Director General Deputy Director State Advisor Head of Sector Head of EI&IC dept.
REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE EI& SEA SSO External links: SEA – Secretariat for European affairs Min – ministries – international community
REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE Fields of work Field no.1 European Integration: Working Committee and sub-committee at SEA; Action Plan for European Partnership (short-term priorities); National Programme for Approximation with Acquis (mid-term priorities); Working Group – Statistics (chapter 18); SSO strategy paper, Sub-committee for economic and financial affairs and statistics; SMIS; EU regulations central base (eng/mak)
REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE Field no.2: International co-operation: –Eurostat; –EC Delegation –EAR –UNECE –EFTA / OECD / SIDA / WB / IMF; –Bilateral co-operation
REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE Field no.2: Projects: National CARDS twinning project (capacity building, NA, business and social statistics, ICT capacity strengthening, quality monitoring practices, co-operation and communication strategy) Eurostat grant project for dissemination Sida projects on (Agriculture, Gender statistics, Environment, Metadata base, Regional project on statistical surveys ) WB programme on poverty measurement Eurostat/OECD PPP project OECD Non-observed economy
REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE Field no.3: Administration: Database in access for all international meetings since 2001; Organizing participation on int. meetings( internal procedure; invitation letters/documents for visa; hotel accommodation/travel arrangement; invoicing; proof-reading of documents, mission reports); Organization of experts’ missions (ToR, accommodation, working facilities); Organizing conferences, workshops, seminars, meetings (including interpretation); Participation in drafting documents referring SSO activities; Translation, correspondence, proof-reading of translated documents, address book of international institutions, informal in-house meetings, copying and distribution of materials