Q1. What are data? (SLC 2064) Data can be defined as a series of alphabets, numbers and special characters that represent certain facts and figures. They are collection of facts from which conclusion can be drawn.
Q2.What is database ?(SLC 2065) Database can be defined as collection of interrelated data which are arranged systematically so that they can be accessed and used easily.
Q3. What do you mean by database management system (DBMS) Q3. What do you mean by database management system (DBMS)? (send up 2065) It is a software program that controls the organization ,storage, management and retrieval of data in in database . it allows the user to add and modify the data in the database so that form and report also can be created.
Q4. List some popular DBMS software. (pre send up 2065) The followings are some popular DBMS software Ms- access Oracle Fox pro dbase my SQL
Q5.Write the advantages / features of DBMS. (send up 2065) The followings are the advantages of DBMS: i) Data can be changed or modified easily. ii) It reduces the data redundancy. Data redundancy means duplication of data. iii) The database can be shared by other programs. iv) It provides better tools for data arrangement.
Q6. What is relational database management system? It is widely used database management system that stores information in tables i.e. rows and columns. It conducts searches by using data in specified column of one table to find additional data in another table.
Q7. What is ms-access? write its application filename and extension filename. It is the complete database package developed by Microsoft Corporation. It is a relational DBMS that helps to collect, store and arrange information. Application name: msaccess.exe Extension name: .mdb
Q8. What are the different features / advantages of MS Access? The followings are the different features of MS-Access: i) It enables us to create a database with Tables, Forms, Queries and Reports. ii) It combines the information from various tables. Iii) Information retrieval is faster and easier. Iv) Information can be shared among several users.
Q9. What are the objects used in ms-access? The followings are the objects used in MS-Access: Tables Queries Forms Reports Pages Macros Modules
Q10. what do you mean by data type? The characteristic of a field that determines what type of data it can hold is called data type. Eg. text , memo , number ,date/time etc.
Q11.what are the data types used in ms- access? (SLC 2064) types of data size i) text text or combination of text and numbers up to 255 characters ii) memo lengthy text or combination of text and numbers up to 65,535 characters iii) number numeric values 1,2,4,8 bytes respectively iv) date/time date and time data 8 bytes v) currency currency data vi) auto number a unique sequential numeric values (increment by 1) 4 bytes vii) yes/no Logical values(yes/no,true/false,on/off) 1 bit(0 or 1) viii) OLE object pictyres,graphics,sound etc. upto 1gb ix) hyperlink a link "address" to a document upto 2048 characters x) lookup wizard displays data from another table
Q12. What are the ways of creating table in MS-Access? The ways of creating tables in ms-access: i) create table in design view. ii) create table by using wizard. iii) create table entering data.
Q13. Define the followings: Table: It is one of the objects of ms-access which contains field, record and data. It is the basic element of database which consists of various rows and column. Field: The field refers to the column that holds data. a field consists of a specific category of data such as name address ,phone number, etc. A table can have 255 fields. Record: The collection of data in a table horizontally for each field is called a record. A record is a complete information about an entry.
Data: The actual information stored under the field is called data. Tuple: A record row in database is called tuple. eg. sn name address phone 1 sita ktm 4358019 2 radha pkr 4358103 3 mira patan 4358057
Q14. What are the two types of panes in table Design View? The two types of panes in design view are: i) field grid pane ii) field properties area
Q15. What is primary key? Why is it required? It is a key which when chosen with a particular field makes that field unique. The primary key field neither permits duplicate value not does it permit null value. A primary key prevents duplicate records from being entered in the table and is used to control the order in which records display in the table. This makes it faster for database to locate records in the table and to process other operations. The primary key is also used to create a link between tables in a database.
Q16. Define the following terms in ms-access: Field properties: They are a set of characteristics that are associated to each field. Field size: It is a maximum space or size for the data to be entered in the field. It is used to fix the number of characters for the field. For number field, users can choose one mode from predefined mode like byte, single, double etc. The default value of field size in the text data type is 50 characters.
Input mask: it is a field property that determines what types of data can be entered in the field, how the data looks, and the format in which it is stored. Data validation: it is used to limit values that can be accepted into the field. Validation rule: it is a rule that specifies an expression that checks for invalid data. Caption: It is used for displaying an alternate name for the field to make the field name more explanatory. It can contain up to 2,048 characters.
Q17. What do you mean by wizard? A wizard is a small program that interviews us, asking questions about what we want to accomplish, then it takes over answers and creates the table, query, or whatever according to our specification.
Q18. What do you mean by default value? The value that is displayed automatically for the field when we add a new record to the table is called default value. This can be any value that matches the data type of the field. The default value for the text field is an empty string, and for a number or currency 0.
Q19. What is data sorting? The arrangement of records in a particular order of a field is known as sorting. the order of sorting may be ascending( a-z) or descending (z-a).
Q20. What is data filtering? Data filtering is the process by which only specified records can be displayed on the table on the basis of criteria.
Q21.What is query? What is the purpose of a query in ms-access? A query is a database object that creates a datasheet of selected fields and records from one or more tables. It helps in retrieving and editing information according to the condition asked. The purpose of a query in ms-access is to view data in different ways, to analyze data, and even to modify existing data.
Q22. What are the different ways of creating query? The different ways of creating query are: using design view using wizard
Q23. What are the different types of Queries. Define them Q23.What are the different types of Queries? Define them. (Sendup 2064) The followings are the different types of queries: i) select query: It is the most common type of query. It retrieves data from one or more tables and displays the result in a datasheet where we can update the records. ii) action query: It is a query that makes changes to or moves away records in just one operation.
iii) update query : It makes global changes to a group of records in one or more tables. iv) append query: It adds a group of records from one or more tables to the end of one or more tables. v) make table query: It creates a new table from all or part of the data in one or more tables.
Q24. What do you mean by null value? The value in a field that indicates missing or un known data is called null value.
Q25. What is form? Write its uses. A form is a data base object which is used to enter the new records and edit existing records easily. It displays the individual record separately, and is simplify another view of the data in a table. Its uses are as follows: i) It is used to make modification of data directly into the table. ii) It helps to view the table in user defined manner.
Q26. What are the different ways of creating form? The followings are the ways of creating form: Auto form using design view using wizard
Q27. What is a report? Write its importance. A report is a database object that presents our data effectively in a printed format on the basis of our requirements. Its importance are as follows: i) A report allows us to view the complete output of the processed data ii) A report helps us to summarize and compare large set of data in a database
Q28. Define relationship. Why is relationship required? A relationship is a link between two or more tables so that we can work with them much as we do with a single table. When we create forms, queries and reports, we may need to pull information from more than one table. This work can be done by creating suitable relationship among tables.
Q29. What are the types of relationship? The followings are the types of relationship: a) one to one eg. Driver and car b) one to many eg. teacher and students c) many to many eg. books and readers d) many to one eg. students and school
Q30. Write any two functions of relationship. i) Relationship lets you guarantee data integrity and data consistency ii) Relationship lets you avoid data redundancy
Q31. What is referential integrity? Referential Integrity is a set of rules used by MS ACCESS to ensure that the relationships between tables are valid and the related data is not accidentally changed or deleted.
Q32. Define the following terms: i) Foreign Key: It is one or more table fields (columns) that refer to primary key field or fields in another table. A foreign key indicates how the tables are related. ii) Compound key/Composite key: It is a key that consists of multiple columns because one column is not sufficiently unique. iii) Candidate key: It is a column in a table which has the ability to become a primary key. iv) Alternate key: It is any of the candidate keys that is not part of the primary key.
Q33. What are the main differences between forms and reports? i) Forms are used to enter, view and edit information. Reports are used only to view information. ii) Forms are usually displayed on the screen. Reports can be previewed on the screen, but they are usually printed.
Q34. List the commonly used field properties. Define indexing. The commonly used field properties are: i) Field size v) Default value ii) Format vi) Validation Rule iii) Input mask vii) Validation Text iv) Caption viii) Required The process of converting a collection of data into a database suitable for easy search and retrieval is called indexing.
Q35. What is a dynaset? Queries select records from one or more tables in a database so they can be viewed, analysed and sorted on a common datasheet. The resulting collection of records is called a dynaset. (short for dynamic subset) © Atish Shrestha