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Credits  sion_Root/GSDP_EN/What%20We%20Do/QNV_2030/S ocial_Development sion_Root/GSDP_EN/What%20We%20Do/QNV_2030/S ocial_Development  glish.pdf glish.pdf  f f  e-foundations-to-Qatar-2030.aspx e-foundations-to-Qatar-2030.aspx

Credits  mpetition/01/33/74/56/b9qate.pdf mpetition/01/33/74/56/b9qate.pdf  qatar-vision qatar-vision-2030  development development  sion_Root/GSDP_EN/What%20We%20Do/QNV_ sion_Root/GSDP_EN/What%20We%20Do/QNV_2030 

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