Course Management System November 13, 2003
Topics Why WebCT? WebCT growth Support Issues Course Redesign Projects New refreshed PRESENT web site Winter Faculty Institute Consolidated grants program
Why WebCT? Committee of staff & faculty Vendor and University presentations Criteria: usability, functionality, company responsiveness Actual decision
Student usage
Number of courses
Non-academic Usage Supporting uses of WebCT not directly related to courses Occupational Health and Safety: 2,000 students Fulbright Scholars Nurse Mentors Training Ice Skating Judges
Support Strategies Training Required introductory training Other classes Interactive Student Activities Quizzes and Surveys Organizing Course Material Course Design—Beyond Basics (NEW) Grading One site for all WebCT information
Accessing WebCT
Support Strategies Awarding grants to achieve “redesign” Showcasing faculty efforts Creating an online introduction Looking for ways to leverage our instructional design resources Hiring graduate assistants Streamlining our course creation process
VISTA in our future? Database version True enterprise-wide product Ability in integrate real time with Student Information systems “Centralized implementation with local control” Facilitates content sharing
Course Resign Projects Virtual MicroscopeMicroscope Students were failing the practical lab experiment Teaches microscopy; not a virtual lab Available from MERLOT Other efforts to more closely align lab and lectures
Psychology—Learning & Motivation Revitalizing the “Keller method,” self mastery of textbook material Hypothesis: computer technology can overcome problems that led to its decline Course Changes On demand (on line tests) Replace lecture with small groups Replace term paper with focused labs Technology—secure testing center
Secure testing center
Resources WebCT Access and Information PRESENT, UD’s Teaching, Learning, and Technology Center at The University of Delaware