AECT 2011 Jacksonville, FL
The Winner: Melissa Raymer, UNC, 8.3 seconds
President Elect Wen-Hao David Huang Assistant Professor Human Resource Development at Department of Education Policy, Organization and Leadership, Department of Educational Psychology, University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign Past President James A. Marken, President Assistant Professor Instructional Design & Technology program Old Dominion University
Vice-President of Communications Jennifer Bauman Process Analyst, Title Source Inc., Troy, MI Board Representative Nancy B. Hastings Assistant Professor, Human Resource Development Oakland University
Member at Large Mary Jo DeJoice Social Sciences Librarian Georgia State University
T&P Board Meeting AECT Board Meeting
1st Tuesday of the month at 3pm (ET). Everyone is welcome Check Wiki for dates
Raise awareness of T&P What is the value that we can add to the community? ◦ AECT ◦ Students going into the profession ◦ People in the profession
Webinars Revised Web presence ◦ Explore new AECT website opportunities Award Role of advisory board Other ideas?