The Overpowering Joseph Stalin Stalin had a good idea at heart, but after awhile he started to only think about himself.
The Powerful Stalin
The Background Info. Stalin was born in April 17, 1894 (“Khrushchev, Nikita”) He died in September 11, 1971 (“Khrushchev, Nikita”) He worked with Hitler at one point, but then turned because he became an ego-maniac. He lived in Russia (“Khrushchev, Nikita”)
The Good Start. Stalin had a five year plan for industrialization (“Stalin, Joseph”) “Joseph Stalin [had a] concept of Socialist Realism, [which] was an attempt to transform all Soviet arts from a portrayal of what was to a portrayal, in Communist ideology, of what ought to be” (“Stalin Restricts Soviet Composers”) He had “gained support both in the Communist Party and among the Soviet populace” (“Stalin Begins the Purge Trials”)
The Bitter Side He feared his enemies too much (Joseph Stalin) “Stalin personally signed orders for the execution of thousands of Soviet citizens” (Stalin,Joseph) “In 1925, Soviet leadership was seized by Joseph Stalin, who wanted every aspect of Soviet life under his direct control; his massive ego led to the creation of the "Stalin cult" by 1929” (“Stalin Restricts Soviet Composers”) The people from the outside started to fear his power because didn’t want him to become more powerful than them (J.M. Roberts) The people under his control started to lose sight of the things needed to live in a society because they were working all the time.
My Thoughts On The Subject Stalin started out well. He had a good plan and the people seemed happy with him ruling, but after awhile he thought too much of himself. He didn’t think of the people and he just tried to be a very powerful leader. He was also too selfish. Since he was afraid of his “enemies” he became too concerned about saving himself and he didn’t think about what was best for the people. Stalin is like Napoleon in Animal Farm because he takes and takes, but he doesn’t really give back. Like Napoleon, Stalin had an good idea, but started to lose sight of what was originally wanted. In the book, Napoleon starts to break the rules but has an excuse for everything, just like Stalin.
Works Cited "Stalin, Joseph ( )." UXL Biographies. Online Detroit: UXL, Student Resource Center - Gold. Thomson Gale. COLORADO SPRINGS SCHOOL. 29 Oct < ips/ &source=gale&srcprod=SRCG&userGroupName=colo93476&version=1.0>. "Stalin Restricts Soviet Composers, April 23, 1932." DISCovering World History. Online Detroit: Gale, Student Resource Center - Gold. Thomson Gale. COLORADO SPRINGS SCHOOL. 29 Oct Roberts, J.M. History Of The World. New York: Oxford University Press, "Khrushchev, Nikita ( )." UXL Biographies. Online Detroit: UXL, Student Resource Center - Gold. Thomson Gale. COLORADO SPRINGS SCHOOL. 30 Oct "Stalin Begins the Purge Trials, December 1, 1934." DISCovering World History. Online Detroit: Gale, Student Resource Center - Gold. Thomson Gale. COLORADO SPRINGS SCHOOL. 30 Oct