Indonesian National DM Agency Bangkok, 22 April 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

Indonesian National DM Agency Bangkok, 22 April 2014

In 5 th AMCDRR Government Heads, Ministers and Delegations from Asia-Pacific countries endorsed the Yogyakarta Declaration. It reaffirmed commitments to: 1. Integrate local level DRR and CCA into national development planning 2. Enhance local risk assessment and financing 3. Strengthen local risk governance and partnership 4. Build local community resilience 5. Reduce Underlying Risk Factors 6. Implement cross-cutting issues in the HFA

 Political will: National DM Plan is in the process to be included in the National Development Plan  CCA integrated into National DM Plan and DRM integrated into National Action Plan for CCA 2013  Integrated DRR-CCA studies and practices piloted in NTT, NTB, West Sumatra, Lampung, West Java, Maluku, Papua, Bengkulu, Jakarta  More and more Climate Vulnerability Assessment integrated into Disaster Risk Mapping methodologies and vice versa  Yet to be established: commonly agreed framework for convergence of DRR-CCA

 Risk maps available at 33 provinces, and more detailed (1:50,000 or 25,000) maps are being developed and piloted at 63 districts and cities  Development of risk mapping and DM Plan for community level, in 2014 will be implementing in 32 village as pilot area  Development of risk mapping methodology that contains climate projection aspect  Update of InaSAFE in 2014, a risk assessment software that may predict social and human impacts of disaster

 In the framework of APEC, BNPB and Fiscal Policy Office developed a number of initiatives to explore possible risk financing/transfer policies and instruments  BNPB and ADB developed city-level risk financing schemes in two cities (a regional project that also includes Viet Nam and the Philippines)  Need to accommodate APEC’s G20/OECD Methodological Framework for Disaster Risk Assessment and Risk Financing into Indonesia’s regulation on risk assessment  Development of Earthquake Financial Tool, a tool to assess earthquake impact and determine subsequent financial insurance scheme

 DM Agencies in 406 districts and cities (out of 513 or 79% of total)  More and more districts and cities developed their DM Plans  More than 30 districts/cities piloting the Local Government Self-Assessment Tools (LG-SAT) in 2013 and 60 more to follow in 2014  DRR Forums/Platforms in 13 provinces, 36 districts/cities, 5 hazard area-based DRR Forum, and 1 thematic platform: University Forum for DRR

 More than 1,300 disaster resilient villages developed by different actors all over Indonesia  Development of curriculum, course materials and guidelines for facilitators in developing resilient villages/communities  Development of technical community-based guidelines for risk mapping, contingency and DM planning, and village-based Early Warning System  In future efforts will be focused on developing public, private and people partnership for disaster resilient villages, currently being piloted by BNPB and partners in the Province of East Java

 With support from CSOs, BNPB is developing a regulation on Mainstreaming Gender into Disaster Management  The guideline is developed based on lessons learned from various disaster events in the country, with a focus on reducing underlying vulnerability factors to improve equal access, participation, control and benefit between women and men  Growing number of CSOs promoting gender in disaster issue and substantive equal involvement of women and men in DRR and recovery

 BNPB developed a blue print to accelerate implementation of Safe Schools  A national secretariat for Safe Schools established to support inter- agency Safe School activities (govt. and non-govt.)  During Consortium for Disaster Education implemented safe-school activities in 3,202 schools from kindergarten to high schools (not all include the three pillars: safe construction, DRR in curriculum and school preparedness/DM)  Materials for awareness raising, disaster simulation and exercises, and relevant school activities  Finalization of BNPB Regulation on People with Disability in Disaster  Increased inclusion of people with disability in sub-national DRR consultations and forums (Yogyakarta, West Java, Central Java)  Training of disabled people’s organisation (DPOs) to better participate in DRR ongoing (National level, Yogyakarta, Central Java, West Java, West Sumatra)

National level:  SMS Gateway for emergency warning, a collaborative venture between warning providers and private cellular providers to disseminate early warning to people at risk  Launch of programs to build Tsunami Evacuation Shelters in areas prone to Tsunami hazard (implementation of Indonesian Tsunami Master Plan)  National-scale TTX, CPX and FTX, as well as other forms of simulations and exercises

 Stakeholder discussions on recommendations for HFA 2 started in October 2013, involving CSOs, Local Governments, Red Cross, with inputs sent to UN-ISDR on December 2013  3 FGDs with ministries/agencies, UN/INGOs and University/Research will follow to reflect on the implementation of HFA1 and look for lessons learned  next May  Lessons learned in the implementation of HFA1 by stakeholders is being developed into a book to be presented in WCDRR Sendai

THANK YOU All For One and One For ALL