WASHINGTON COMMUITY FOUNDATIONS GATHERING 2015 Impact Investing for Washington Community Foundations November 3,
WASHINGTON COMMUITY FOUNDATIONS GATHERING 2015 Agenda Who is here? What do you want to know? Mission investing toolkit Washington community foundations’ impact investing activities and wish list… 2
WASHINGTON COMMUITY FOUNDATIONS GATHERING 2015 Who is here? What do you want to know? Have you made mission investments? Are donors asking for mission investments? How does mission investing fit your evolving CF strategy? What opportunities do you see? Where are the bottlenecks you are facing? 3
Direct investing vehicles for community foundations 5 Local bank/credit union deposits Loans to local loan funds for business or affordable housing development Direct loan or equity share in a local business Direct loan for real estate acquisition Create a loan fund housed in the CF Bridge loan for capital campaign related to real estate
WASHINGTON COMMUITY FOUNDATIONS GATHERING 2015 Define “impact” Support small business & “main street” Provide affordable housing Support redevelopment of buildings and neighborhoods Meet non-profits’ real estate needs Support job creation in larger businesses Improve the impact of cash balances Invest locally ______(insert local priority) 6