WorkCover. Watching out for you. 1 Manual Handling in the Retail and Wholesale Industries: The extent of the problem Presentation to the Retail and Wholesale IRG 6 th June 2007 Presenter: Mark Haslam (ph )
WorkCover. Watching out for you. 2 Background to the data The extent of the problem across industry sectors What about Retail and Wholesale? Where’s the best place to focus our resources? Overview: Manual Handling in the Retail and Wholesale Industries
WorkCover. Watching out for you. 3 Manual Handling in the Retail and Wholesale Industries Gathered from: WorkCover NSW major claims data; and ABS employment figure data. Covers 2000/01 to 2004/05 Employment Injuries, Workplace Injuries, Non-Workplace Injuries, and Occupational Diseases Focus on Workplace Injuries Background to the data:
WorkCover. Watching out for you. 4 Manual Handling in the Retail and Wholesale Industries
WorkCover. Watching out for you. 5 Employment Injuries – Number of Major Claims 2004/05 Manual Handling in the Retail and Wholesale Industries
WorkCover. Watching out for you. 6 Employment Injuries – Cost of Major Claims 2004/05 Manual Handling in the Retail and Wholesale Industries
WorkCover. Watching out for you. 7 Manual Handling Claims as a Percentage of Employment and Workplace Injury Claims Manual Handling in the Retail and Wholesale Industries Employment Injuries (All Industries) Workplace Injuries (All Industries)
WorkCover. Watching out for you. 8 Total Number and Cost of Claims (All industries & Retail and Wholesale) Manual Handling in the Retail and Wholesale Industries
WorkCover. Watching out for you. 9 Retail and Wholesale claims versus All Industries Retail and Wholesale accounts for 20% of the NSW workforce Retail and Wholesale accounts for 14.5 to 15% of total Employment Injuries Retail and Wholesale accounts for 15 to 15.5% of total Workplace Injuries Average cost of R&W claim is less than average cost of all Employment and Workplace Injury claim Manual Handling in the Retail and Wholesale Industries
WorkCover. Watching out for you. 10 Manual Handling Claims (R&W) as a Percentage of Workplace Injury Claims Manual Handling in the Retail and Wholesale Industries Employment Injuries (All Industries) Workplace Injuries (All Industries) Workplace Injuries (Retail & Wholesale)
WorkCover. Watching out for you. 11 Incidence Rate* (All industries & Retail and Wholesale) * Incidence Rate is the number of major injuries per 1000 employees exposed to risk. Manual Handling in the Retail and Wholesale Industries
WorkCover. Watching out for you. 12 Incidence Rate (All industries & Retail and Wholesale) Manual Handling in the Retail and Wholesale Industries
WorkCover. Watching out for you. 13 Comparative Performance of Retail & Wholesale Sectors Manual Handling in the Retail and Wholesale Industries
WorkCover. Watching out for you. 14 Comparative Performance of Retail & Wholesale Sectors (cont’d) Manual Handling in the Retail and Wholesale Industries
WorkCover. Watching out for you. 15 Manual handling represents a large percentage of claims across all industries Retail and Wholesale represent 20% of industry but only 15% of claims Manual handling claims in Retail and Wholesale represent approximately 50% of all Workplace Injury claims Three Retail and Wholesale industry sectors stand out in terms of their high rate of manual handling claims Summary: Manual Handling in the Retail and Wholesale Industries
WorkCover. Watching out for you. 16 Contact Mark Haslam, Senior Project Officer (Acting), Industry Reference Group Branch, ph Questions? Manual Handling in the Retail and Wholesale Industries