Metals Hand Tools What Every Machinist Needs to Know about Metals Processing 110
Machinist Vise Solid Base Vise Swivel Base Vise
Vise Jaw Caps (Soft Jaws) Used to prevent marking the work
Peen Hammers Ball Peen Hammer (Machinist’s Hammer) Cross Peen Hammer Straight and Cross Peen Hammers
Soft Face Hammers With Interchangeable Faces
Metal Stamps For placing Names, Serial Numbers, etc.
Hacksaws Solid frame hacksaw Adjustable frame hacksaw
Hacksaw Blades Hacksaw teeth Should point toward The front end of the saw
Tooth Pitch (Teeth per Inch) 18 Teeth per Inch Blades are made from HHigh carbon Steel HHigh Speed Steel (molybdenum alloy or Tungsten alloy)
Saw Tooth Pitch SET: bending the teeth of a saw left and right to make the KERF wider than the saw blade Blade Kerf Set
Saw Teeth Too Big???
Too Small???
Installing a Blade Pins Wing nut for tightening/loosening blade 1.Get correct blade (length, pitch, material, type) 2.Adjust Frame 3.Place ends of blade on pins with teeth pointing to front and teeth down 4.Tighten wing nut finger tight
Sawing Sheet (Thin) Metal Sandwich the metal between strips of wood. This will keep the thin metal from vibrating and allows 2 or more teeth to contact the work
Chisels F l a t C o l d C h i s e l C a p e C h i s e l D i a m o n d P o i n t C h i s e l R o u n d N o s e C h i s e l Cut Sheet Metal Cut Keyways Cut V-Grooves Cut Oil Grooves
1.Tang 2.Heel 3.Edge 4.Face 5.Point 6.Length Parts of a File
File Grades of Coarseness Dead Smooth Smooth Second Cut Bastard Coarse Rough Files come in different sizes and degrees of coarseness There are 4 common grades plus 2 which are not often used Files are also sold in 7 different lengths in inches
Draw Filing Draw filing allows you to remove small amounts of metal, keep a surface flat and produces a nice, smooth surface finish Use a mill file Hold the file crossways Keep fingers close to the Surface being filed Press down Move the file back and forth Do not roll over the edges
Hand Taps Used to cut screw threads inside a hole Flutes are grooves in the tap Flutes provide cutting edges, provide chip clearance and allow cutting fluid in
So, What Does ½-UNC-13 Mean? UNC means it is a Unified National Coarse series Thread Inch threads are either Coarse or Fine (UNF) The fraction “1/2” is the diameter in inches of the threaded part of the bolt or screw ½ inch The number after the series (UNC) is the Number of threads per inch 13 threads The pitch or size of one thread here Is 1/13 of an inch
So, What Does M Mean? The letter “M” just means it’s a Metric thread The number “30” is the diameter of the threaded part Of the bolt or screw 30 mm Pitch (the size of one thread) or how far the thread travels when the screw makes one turn 3.5 mm The number after The dash (3.5) is the Pitch of the thread
A Set of Taps A set of taps includes a taper tap, plug tap and bottoming tap Taper Tap Used to start a thread in a hole Plug Tap Used to start a thread and go almost to the bottom of a blind hole Bottoming Tap Used to thread to the bottom of a blind hole
That’s All, Folks