Grid Interest Group Activities WGISS-28, September 30, 2009 Pretoria, South Africa
2 Grid IG Session Content - GEO context (Andrii) - Projects of international and national level (Andrii) - Current infrastructure (Andrii) - Grid infrastructure for flood disaster response. Some technical issues. Available datasets (Sergii) -Conclusions: Lessons Learned and Prospects (Natalia) -Data policy problems -FP7 Calls and opportunities
3 Grid Interest Group Context Contribution to: AR-09-01b: “GEOSS Architecture Implementation Pilot” led by USA (FGDC) and OGC DI-06-09: “Using Satellites for Risk Management” led by Canada (CSA,, China (CARSA, NSMC), CEOS and UNOOSA HE-09-03b: “End to End Projects for Health” led by France (CNES), USA (NOAA) and CEOS DA-09-02a: “Data Integration and Analysis” led by Japan (University of Tokyo,
4 Projects Wide Area Grid (WAG) Innovation project by NASU –Supported by NASA and UN-SPIDER Namibian Pilot project on integrated flood management and water related vector borne disease modelling –Joint effort of UN-SPIDER, NASA, NOAA, DLR and SRI NASU-NSAU Earth Science (ES) Specialized Support Center (SSC) within EGEE
5WAG Initiated by Paul Kopp (CNES) To integrate capabilities of space agencies to share computational and informational resources Study of middleware was completed by CNES –Globus Toolkit v4 was selected as a basic middleware Bilateral Ukraine-Chinese project – WAG Implementation –To integrate Grid platforms with the use of Web service approach, e.g. through Globus Toolkit services
6 Title: “Geo-information infrastructure for environmental monitoring and emergency response” Goals –Creation of UN-SPIDER Regional Support Office in Ukraine –Workflow for flood mapping automation Funded by the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Collaborators –UN-SPIDER –NASA Innovative Project
7 Namibian Flood Pilot Flood/Disease SensorWeb Technical Interchange Workshop –Organised by UNOOSA / UN-SPIDER –Bonn, Germany, August 2009 Goals –data integration within a transboundary flood management system for local decision makers –to explore possibilities of water related vector borne disease modelling
8 Earth Science (ES) Specialized Support Center (SSC) Within EGEE and the further European Grid Infrastructure (EGI) Disciplines –EO, informatics, environment, climate, seismology, civil protection, atmosphere, hydrology, meteorology, … GEOSS and CEOS promotion –presentation of GEOSS and CEOS activities was given at EGEE09 Conference (Barcelona, Spain, Sept 2009)
9 Earth Science (ES) Specialized Support Center (SSC) cont. VO-specific Services –ES specific applications (e.g. MM5, WRF,..) –Access/interfaces from/to existing ES community infrastructures –Specific site services (runtime environments, mathematical and ES libraries, IDL etc) –HPC support –Support for complex workflows –Resource reservation (operational and risk management) –Our responsibility: Access to Satellite Data and Sensors from Grid
10 Existing information Grid infrastructure
11 Thank You!