Year 4 Autumn 1 3…2…1…Blast off! As Writers can we: Use our imaginations to write descriptively? Plan our writing (adventure story) by discussing writing similar to that which we are planning to write? Progressively build a rich and varied vocabulary? Assess the effectiveness of my own and others’ work suggesting improvements? Create and write about our own space monster using simple organisational devices? As Readers can we: Develop a positive attitude to reading by looking at a range of different genres around the topic of space? Use dictionaries to check the meaning of new words we may come across? Draw inferences’ on text for example, how characters thoughts and motives? Discuss words and phrases that capture the readers attention? Explore the fiction story of’ The Disappearing Moon’ and the non- fiction text ‘Monsters from Space’? As Geographers can we: Explore and describe what we see from an ariel view point? Learn about the life of Felix Baumgartner (Austria)? As Mathematicians can we: Find 1000 more or less than a given number? Recognise the place value of a four digit number? Add and subtract numbers with up to four digits? Recall multiplication and division facts (up to 12 x 12)? As Scientists can we : Describe the movement of the Earth, and other planets, relative to the sun in the solar system? Use the ideas of the Earths rotation to explain day and night, and the apparent movement of the sun across the sky? As Artists and Designers can we: Observe photos taken by astronauts and discuss their significance? Improve our mastery of art and design techniques by creating marble ink pictures and using tye dye to create a ‘space effect’?
Learning Challenge Year 4 Autumn 1 Here are some ideas for this half term’s learning challenge! The challenge should be completed over the half term and needs to be brought into school by Monday 19 th October. I will look forward to seeing the completed challenges! Please see me if you have any questions Thank you, Miss L. Unwin As Writers can you: Write a story about your own space adventure? Visit the local library and write a book review about your favourite space story? Create a newspaper article about an event which could take place in space? Write a play script set in space? The planets As Scientists can you: Research the planets in our solar system? Design a healthy meal for astronauts to eat in space? As ICT Technicians can you: Help NASA design a new logo for a rocket? Locate news reports about space, to print out and bring into school for our reading area? As Geographers can you: Draw an accurate map of space? Find physical features on each planet? e.g. craters and rings As Mathematicians can you: Find the size of each planet? Compare the distances between each of the planets? Work out how long each planet takes to orbit the sun? As Artists and Designers can you: Design and create a junk model rocket? Create a superb space scene using a range of materials? As Musicians can you: Write your own space song? As Historians can you: Create a poster or fact file about astronauts from the past and their missions into space?