The Game Begins Background information screen (this may need to be presented some other way & need more detail.): Jicchan is your grandfather’s good friend.


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Presentation transcript:

The Game Begins Background information screen (this may need to be presented some other way & need more detail.): Jicchan is your grandfather’s good friend. To you he is practically another grandfather. He was a always at family events and you have enjoyed spending time with him since you were a child. However, he does not speak English very well. Because you love Jicchan so much you started studying Japanese so you could communicate with him better. When you visit Jicchan you always take a dictionary with you so that you can look up words you don’t know. If you need help interacting with Jicchan, click on the dictionary. Begin

1.0: Events/Decisions Message waiting light is blinking on the phone. Small script over phone says “You have a message, click on the answering machine to listen to your message. – Learner clicks on the phone to answer it. Learner can click again to play the message again. – Recording of Jicchan plays 「時間がないんだ。早くきてく れ!」 – User must decide if he will go to Jicchan’s house or not. Text prompt asking user what he wants to do. 何をしますか? What will you do? – じっちゃんの家に行きます。 Go to Jicchan’s house.(Go to 1.1) じっちゃんの家に行きます。 – バイトに行きます。 Go to work. (Go to 1.2) バイトに行きます。 Screen layout (Inside of Hero’s home) Phone Picture of Hero Prompt appears after message plays: What will you do? Choices are here.

1.1 Events/Decisions Student is at Jicchan’s bedside Jicchan says: 俺、とても悪いこと をした。。。 (repeats this like an old man dying… until the learner asks a question.) Prompt appears: Jicchan seems so unhappy. Try to find out what he did. Ss must write or speak in Japanese (depending on if we can do speech recognition). Student says/write: 何をしました か? (What did you do?) go to slide 2.1 何をしました か? Students says/writes anything else. Go to slide 2.2anything else. Screen layout Jicchan learner next to Lying in bed Jicchan’s bed. Prompt appears. Place to type answer is here.

1.2 : At the parttime job Events/Decisions When page opens, boss at the part time job will say “I hear your good family friend is dying. You should go see him right now.” Learner clicks on “go to Jicchan’s house” in Japanese. Screen Layout Boss Hero

2.1 : What did Jicchan do? Events/Decisions Jicchan says: ものを盗んだ。 そのものを返してほしいん だ。返してくれる? (I stole something. I want you to return it. Will you do that for me?) Student must type or choose yes/no – If 「どこにありますか」 go to 3.1 If 「どこにありますか」 go to 3.1 – If any other typed input go to 3.3 – If no go to 3.2 If no go to 3.2 Screen Layout Jicchan Hero In bed by bed If you are willing to help Jicchan, ask him where the item is. Space for student to input answer is here. いいえ。

2.2 : Reprompt Recording of Jicchan saying なんって?もう一度言って くれ。 Prompt appears to ask Jicchan what he did. Student says/writes: 何をしま したか。 何をしま したか Student says/writes anything else, repeat this event. If unsuccessful after 3 repetitions. If unsuccessful after 3 repetitions Screen Layout Same picture as 2.1 except… Prompt: Ask Jicchan what he did.

2.3 : Help screen Screen Layout

3.1 Finding the tape Learner must ask questions to find out where the item is. Prompt: Jicchan can no longer speak. You will have to ask him questions to find out what you need to know Prompt appears here Large picture of the layout of the house, so Ss knows special relationships and can ask questions. Small picture of Place for Learner Jicchan & Hero to input questions.

3.2 Finding the tape reprompt Jicchan starts crying…. Prompt: You have made Jicchan very, very sad. You care about him very much so you decide to help him to so that he can be at peace. Return to slide 3.0.

3.3 Finding the tape Help Help screen There should be more than 1 help screen each help screen gives one tip to help with the task. Then the student can try again.