ACT ATTACK! Christmas Production Act Attack!
LEARNING OBJECTIVE To use the features of a play script
MY DILEMMA My drama group Act Attack have chosen me to write the script for our Christmas production this year! Luckily I have you to help me!? After all you did such a good job with all our other dilemmas!
CHRISTMAS PRODUCTION Your Task: Write the opening scene of the Little Red Riding Hood script for Act Attack’s Christmas production.
WHAT DO WE NEED TO INCLUDE? All week we have been learning about the features of Play Scripts. Can you remember all of them? In pairs write all of the features of a play script on your whiteboards.
DID YOU GET THEM ALL? On your desks are envelopes, there is one for each pair. Open up your envelope to find all of the features. Match the features in the envelope to the ones on your whiteboard. There are merit points available for each one you match up!
OUR SUCCESS CRITERIA The features that you have come up with are all part of our Success Criteria. So there are no excuses for not including them all! After all you told me what they are!
CONTENT/ STRUCTURE Include the name of the character in the margin. Start each speaker on a new line. No need for speech marks Use speech to move on the story Some of us will be including stage directions for speech and actions too.
LANGUAGE Write in first person Use present tense If you are using stage directions you also need: Speech verbs Powerful verbs for actions Adverbs to describe the action
PUNCTUATION AND SPELLING Use colons Use brackets for stage directions Remember the ae, ai, ay spelling pattern we have learned this week.
USING YOUR CARDS… I am going to show you some of the attempts form previous years. They weren’t very good! Can you spot what they have forgotten? Talk to your partner and choose the card with the feature that you think is missing.
CHRISTMAS PRODUCTION Your Task: Write the opening scene of the Little Red Riding Hood script for Act Attack’s Christmas production.
TELLING THE STORY THROUGH SPEECH Remember, in a play script we use the speech to move the story along unlike in a story where we use narrative. How will the audience know what is going on?
MUM AND RED Mum will tell Red where to go and how to get there. What will the audience learn from this conversation? Where does Red need to go? How will she get there?
LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD! Red’s Grandma is not very well so mum asks her to take a basket of goodies to make her feel better. Red needs to go through the woods to get to grandma’s, she has never been through the woods alone before! Mum reminds Red how important it is to stay on the path!
LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD Red goes through the woods to grandma’s, she spots a short cut that mum normally takes, but it means going off of the path! Should she go?
LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD Red decides to use the short cut, on the way she bumps into a scary wolf! He asks her where she is going, he doesn’t seem to bad really! She explains that she is going to Grandma’s house and mustn’t stop or talk to anyone! The wolf has an evil plan!
LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD Red finally gets to grandma’s house. The door is already open so she walks in. Grandma looks different. Maybe she is more ill than she first thought?! Red talks to Grandma for a while but she sounds very odd.
LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD The wolf reveals that he is in fact dressed up as Grandma! He has eaten Grandma and tries to eat Red too! Luckily a wood cutter hears the noise and comes to save Red! He kills the evil wolf and saves Red!
IN PAIRS… Think about the beginning of the story as we have just looked at it. How would you start the conversation between Red and her mum? Mum will be the first speaker in our play.
CONTENT/ STRUCTURE Include the name of the character in the margin. Start each speaker on a new line. No need for speech marks Use speech to move on the story Some of us will be including stage directions for speech and actions too.
CHRISTMAS PRODUCTION Your Task: Write the opening scene of the Little Red Riding Hood script for Act Attack’s Christmas production.
CONTENT/ STRUCTURE Include the name of the character in the margin. Start each speaker on a new line. No need for speech marks Use speech to move on the story Some of us will be including stage directions for speech and actions too.
LANGUAGE Write in first person Use present tense If you are using stage directions you also need Speech verbs Powerful verbs for actions Adverbs to describe the action
PUNCTUATION AND SPELLING Use colons Use brackets for stage directions Remember the ae, ai, ay spelling pattern we have learned this week.
ACT ATTACK ASSESSMENT! Remember that you are writing a conversation. Does it flow like a conversation? Put your pencils down and read through what you have so far. Would it flow as a conversation? Act Attack!
ACT ATTACK ASSESSMENT! We are going to share a couple of ideas. Do you think Act Attack w ill like them so far? Why? What could we do to improve them further? Act Attack!
ACT ATTACK ASSESSMENT! They have sent me another quick reminder! Act Attack want to make sure that you are using all of the SC because if the features aren't there, then the actors will get very confused! So keep looking back over your SC! Act Attack!
DRESS REHEARSAL! We have had lots of chances for Act Attack to check what we are doing but now it’s our turn! In pairs I would like you to read each others script out loud as if you were rehearsing for the play. When reading your own script you will play Red and when reading your partner’s you will read as mum.
EDITING! Use this opportunity to edit any parts that don’t flow as well as you hoped ;don’t make sense or are repeated or missing. Keep your pencil in your hand as you read through your scene so that you can change, edit and adapt as you read.
CURTAIN CALL Some children will get the chance to act out their scenes to the whole class. If you do not get the opportunity today then you will get the chance to read out another scene that you write next week.
PRODUCTION REVIEW We are going to review the opening scenes we have seen. Tell me 1 good thing and one improvement. Think about using constructive language. Tell them why and how