South Asia Physical Geography 1 India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh
Land Area
Mountains and Plateaus Northern Mountains Collision caused plate tectonics on a huge scale, creating very large mountains (Himalayas) in the north Stretches 1500 miles, forming a natural boundary between China and India Contains Mount Everest, the tallest peak in the world The Hindu Cush is to the west and is a natural boundary between Pakistan and Afghanistan
Southern Plateaus Other ranges and plateaus caused by the collision. Vindhya Range in Central India Deccan Plateau further south Tilts towards the Bay of Bengal Flanked by the Western and Eastern Ghats Mountain Ranges
Ranges and Plateaus of India
Rivers, Deltas, and Plains The Indo-Gangetic Plain Lies between the northern mountains and southern plateaus. It is formed by three rivers Indus Ganges And Brahmaputra
Great Rivers Indus flows west, then south trough Pakistan to the Arabian Sea Ganges comes from the central Himalayas and flows eastward across northern India Brahmaputra winds east, then west and south through Bangladesh
Fertile Plains The flow of these often over flow the banks, creating alluvial plains and making the Indo- Gangetic Plains very fertile
Offshore Islands Shri Lanka: Tear drop shaped island country off the coast of India Maldives Archipelago: A group of over 1,200 small islands off the coast of India
Natural Resources Water and Soils: The river system provides much of India with alluvial soil and water to grow crops. Forests: Rain forests and Highland forests provide important industry, but it makes deforestation a problem. Minerals: Coal, petroleum, iron-ore and mica are all important aspects of the economy, energy production, or both.