P IAGET R EVIEW Spend 10 minutes quizzing a partner. Ask these questions and others you make up from your sheet. 1. What are the stage names in order? 2. Egocentrism is a characteristic of what stage? 3. At what stage does a child acquire an understanding of conservation. 4. When you can think logically and abstractly, what stage are you at? 5. What is the difference between assimilation and accommodation? 6. When you know an object exists even though it is out of sight, what is that called? 7. Clinging, crying, and smiling are characteristics of intelligence at what stage? 8. Quiz each other about the vocab words—can you describe what each is?
S OCIAL AND E MOTIONAL D EVELOPMENT How do we learn the rules for interacting in society? How do we know how to act with friends, parents, in school? Ch 6 Learning – observation, operant conditioning, etc.
T HEORY OF MIND In order to establish successful social interactions and relationships, it is important that a child develop a theory of mind. Opposite of egocentrism Awareness that other people's behaviors may be influenced by beliefs, desires, and emotions that differ from one’s own Allows us to have expectations about how people will act in situations
T EMPERAMENTS Jerome Kagan, Harvard, studied 1,000s of children Innate (nature) patterns of behavior and personality that can be altered through upbringing (nurture) % born shy 10-15% born bold Mood, social responsiveness, playfulness, ability to be frightened Parents can influence temperaments, babies can influence parenting styles
Z ONE OF P ROXIMAL D EVELOPMENT Theory of Social-Cognitive Development Lev Vygotsky Social interaction plays a key role in development of cognition ZPD explains the difference between what a child can do with help and what the child can do without help or guidance. If support is available, cognition can develop quicker.
S OCIALIZATION Lifelong process of shaping our behavior, values, standards, skills, motives We learn from our parents and family We learn from other children at school Children are socialized to learn gender roles Boys are socialized to be more aggressive Girls are more cooperative