The Case for Degree Completion: African American Transfer Students at a Traditionally White Institution Toyia Kiana Younger, Ph.D. Director of Student Affairs Association of Public and Land-grant Universities 8 th Annual NISTS conference- January 28, 2010
Purpose of the Study To identify and understand the factors that contribute to the degree completion of African American transfer students at a traditionally White institution.
Research Questions 1.What are African American transfer students’ perceptions of factors contributing to their degree completion at a large, traditionally White institution? 2.How do the factors identified in the literature as playing a role in the persistence of native African American students at traditionally White institutions also hold true for African American transfer students? 3.How do African American transfer students describe their transfer experience at a traditionally White institution?
Framework of the Study Padilla’s Model of Minority Student Success (1991, 1997) Bean and Metzner’s Non-Traditional Student Attrition Model (1985) Sedlacek’s Non-Cognitive Variables Predicting Academic Success by Race (1976)
Methodology Case study design Semi-structured, individual interviews Document Review Managed and coded data using Nvivo software
Study Participants 13 AA recent graduates (10 male, 3 female) All admitted to the institution as a transfer student from a community college within the state. All participants were enrolled full-time 12 were “traditional aged” students 5 obtained an associated degree prior to transfer 2 were first-generation college students
Findings – Research Question 1 Factors identified as having contributed to degree completion of AA transfer students: Strong Support Networks Confidence in their Ability to Learn Intrinsic Motivation Educational Goals
Findings – Research Question 2 native AA students and AA transfer students: Difficulty adjusting to their new environment Negative perception of campus racial climate AA transfer students face additional challenges related to their transfer status Transfer trumps race Stigma about transfer students
Findings – Research Question 3 The Transfer Experience: Desire to become more socially connected to the larger campus community Institutional reputation/context versus individual experience Sense of pride in successfully attaining a baccalaureate degree from a “good school”
Additional Findings Parents Educational Status The Community College versus the Four- Year Institution
Implications for Practice and Policy Campus practices and policies can influence the way AA transfer students’ perceive the institution and their sense of belonging on campus ▫Technology ▫Opportunities for Networking and Exchange between Transfer Students ▫Housing
Recommendations for Future Research Transfer Trumps Race Stigma of Transfer Students Impact of Community College Attendance Generational Status of Transfer Students