The road towards implementing SNOMED CT SUAT SC Selene Indarte, Gustavo Borthagaray El camino hacia SNOMED CT
SUAT SC Founded in 1991 HMO of the SNIS (National Healthcare System) Health provider for outpatients –SUAT Emergency At Home Polyclinics –Clínica del Estadio
SUAT Emergencia 250 physicians 350 paramedics More than medical consultations a year
Decisions Develop our own software Establish a stable developing team Have a Medical Informatics Department See IT as a tool for management and quality
Challenges Provide information on time Decision support systems for Emergency situations Strengthen the continuity of care national goals and policies
Strategies Planning begun in 2001 Developing our EHR system for doctors’ offices (polyclinic, Clínica del Estadio) Be compliant with international health standards, to support further interoperability
Strategies 2004 installation of EHR for Polyclinics 2008 installation of EHR at the Clínica del Estadio 2009 installation of LIS and interoperability with an outside Lab
Strategies 2010 installation of a multimedia server to manage medical images: –Radiology –Ecography –Spirometry –Colposcopy –Ergometry –Etc.
Strategies 2011 Development of a mobile EHR –2012 installation for occupational health (Clínica del Estadio – installation for at-home care and emergency response
Programa HCEN (National EHR) Interoperability policies SNOMED CT as a national strategy IHTSDO member
Impact of SNOMED SNOMED CT is the ideal tool for: –Support semantic interoperability –Achieve high quality data end information –Support continuity of care
Actual Planning 2 years long –Asked for SNOMED CT license OK –Training plan for doctors and IT crew Foundation Course (IHTSDO) SNOMED workshops at
Planning 2 years long –Software re-engineering to adapt our information system and be compliant with semantic interoperability requirements. –Mapping –Terminology services We are already working on this issues.
Working with We are a member of the “Plan for early adoption” designed by –1 st goal: interoperability CDA level 1 We are working. Almost there! –2 nd goal: interoperability CDA level 3 SNOMED CT is a necessary condition –Use the Terminology Services for drugs and medication, and health problems
Thank you very much Any Questions?