MODEL WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE GUIDANCE This Guidance provides a “high level” summary of the changes made through the latest update to the Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (November 24, 2015). The “Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance Training” PowerPoint presentation will cover more detailed information.
NEW CHANGES TO THE MODEL WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE Effective December 1, 2015 New: New construction projects > 500 square feet. Rehabilitated landscape projects > 2,500 square feet. New Irrigation Efficiency for drip and overhead spray New ET Adjustment Factor (ETAF) New Turf restrictions These new changes reflect the latest updates made (Nov. 24, 2015) to the Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance. MWELO Calculations must be made to systems with potable or recycled water that are within the square footage ranges described.
NEW CHANGES TO THE MODEL WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE Effective December 1, 2015 Revised: Revised Maximum Applied Water Allowance (MAWA) calculation Revised Estimated Total Use (ETWU) calculation Revised Soils test requirements
EXEMPT Landscape projects with a temporary New Landscape <500 square feet Rehabilitated Landscapes <2,500 square feet Registered local, state or federal historical sites Ecological restoration projects without permanent irrigation system Mined-land reclamation projects without permanent irrigation system Temporary systems are those irrigated only during plant establishment period.
SIX ELEMENTS OF THE LANDSCAPE DESIGN PACKAGE Landscape Design Plan Irrigation Plan Water Efficient Landscape Worksheet Soils Management Report Grading Design Plan Project Information The design package, under the ordinance, include the items shown.
MOST AFFECTED ELEMENTS OF THE LANDSCAPE DESIGN PACKAGE IRRIGATION PLAN WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE WORKSHEET GRADING PLAN LANDSCAPE DESIGN PLAN This training module will cover the (four) design package elements that most effect Caltrans landscape and irrigation design projects.
REQUIREMENTS ON THE IRRIGATION PLAN “I have complied with the criteria of the ordinance and applied them accordingly for the efficient use of water in the irrigation design plan.” WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE WORKSHEET LANDSCAPE DESIGN PLAN GRADING PLAN IRRIGATION PLAN Irrigation plans (that are part of a roadway project) require the following statement on the first sheet of the set of the corresponding plans. The statement is to be located next to the signature stamp on the first sheet of the irrigation design set of plans. This instruction may be over-written by the local (agency) ordinance. ROADSIDE ONLY JOBS REQUIRE THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT: ROADSIDE ONLY PROJECTS REQUIRE THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT ON THE TITLE SHEET: “I AGREE TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE AND SUBMIT A COMPLET LANDSCAPE DOCUMENTATION PACKAGE.” STATEMENT IS TO BE LOCATED NEXT TO SIGNATURE STAMP ON PLAN.
REQUIREMENTS ON THE IRRIGATION PLAN Irrigation efficiencies are 0.75 for overhead spray devices and 0.81 for drip systems. Master valves, flow sensors, rain sensors and Smart controllers are required. Overhead spray is prohibited within 24 inches of any non-permeable surface WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE WORKSHEET LANDSCAPE DESIGN PLAN GRADING PLAN IRRIGATION PLAN A Caltrans facility (i.e. rest area, maintenance yard, etc.) that have landscape (greater than 1,000 sq. ft.) that are irrigated with the same meter that provides water for domestic building use, must be sub-metered. The sub-meter must be placed in order to monitor landscape water use. Exceptions to the 24” setback include the use of drip, drip line, or other low flow non-spray technology.
REQUIREMENTS ON THE IRRIGATION PLAN A diagram of the irrigation plan showing hydrozones shall be kept with the irrigation controller for subsequent management purposes. Check valves or anti-drain valves are required where low point drainage occurs. Provide Irrigation Schedule WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE WORKSHEET LANDSCAPE DESIGN PLAN GRADING PLAN IRRIGATION PLAN Current Caltrans standard specifications require the use of check valves on pop-up and riser sprinkler assemblies. The irrigation schedule shall consider: 1. irrigation interval (days between irrigation); 2. irrigation run times (hrs/min per irrigation event); 3. number of cycle starts for each irrigation start time; 4. amount of applied water scheduled to be applied on a monthly basis; 5. application rate; 6. root depth; 7. plant type; 8. soil type; 9. slope factor; 10. shade factor; 11. irrigation uniformity or efficiency.
REQUIREMENTS ON THE WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE WORKSHEET Potable: MAWA =(ETo)(.62)x[(ETAF x LA) Recycled: MAWA =(ETo)(.62)x[(ETAF x LA)+((1-ETAF) x SLA)] WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE WORKSHEET LANDSCAPE DESIGN PLAN GRADING PLAN IRRIGATION PLAN Revised Maximum Applied Water Allowance (MAWA) Calculations New ET Adjustment Factor= 0.45 or less for ALL Caltrans projects. The former potable MAWA calculation was MAWA=(ETo)(0.62) x (0.7 x LA). “0.70” was the former adjustment factor.
EXAMPLE MAWA CALCULATION Given: A landscape project in Fresno, CA consists of 50,000 square feet of irrigated landscape without any Special Landscape Area (SLA). The ET for Fresno is 51.1 inches. Zone 1 =20,000 sq. ft., Zone 2 =10,000 sq. ft., Zone 3 =20,000 sq. ft.
EXAMPLE MAWA CALCULATION MAWA =(ETo)(.62)x[(ETAF x LA) 0.45 is new ETAF (ET adjustment factor) The former Maximum Applied Water Allowance (MAWA) calculation was: MAWA= (ETo)(.062) x (0.7xLA) MAWA=(51.1)(.062) x (0.7x50,000) MAWA=(31.68) x (35,000) MAWA=1,108,800 gallons The New Maximum Applied Water Allowance is 395,955 less gallons!
REQUIREMENTS ON THE WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE WORKSHEET Revised Estimated Total Water Use (ETWU) Calculations: Potable: ETWU= (ETo)(0.62) x (ETAF x Area) WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE WORKSHEET LANDSCAPE DESIGN PLAN GRADING PLAN IRRIGATION PLAN Revised ETWU for Recycled Water systems: ETWU= (ETo)(0.62) x (SLA) ETAF=Evapotranspiration Adjustment Factor. ETAF is derived from dividing the Plant Factor (PF) by the Irrigation Efficiency (IE) The new Irrigation Efficiency (IE) numbers are 0.75 for overhead spray and 0.81 for drip irrigation. Area= the square footage of “Regular landscape areas” + “Special Landscape Areas.”
EXAMPLE ETWU CALCULATION Given: Planting consists of three planting zones. Zone 1 =plant factor of 0.1, and has an irrigation efficiency of 0.81. Zone 2 =plant factor of 0.2, and has an irrigation efficiency of 0.81. Zone 3 =plant factor of 0.6, and has an irrigation efficiency of 0.75. Given: A landscape project in Fresno, CA consists of 50,000 square feet of irrigated landscape without any Special Landscape Area (SLA). The ET for Fresno is 51.1 inches. Plant Factor Scale: very low=0-0.1; Low=0.1-0.3; Mod= 0.4-0.6; High= 0.7-1.0 Irrigation Efficiency Scale: 0.75= overhead spray; 0.81- drip irrigation
EXAMPLE ETWU CALCULATION The inclusion of the Plant Factor and the Irrigation Efficiency result in a modified Landscape Area. The modified square footage is then factored into the equation and the output is the Estimated Total Water Use (ETWU). Note that in order to comply with MWELO, ETWU must be less than MAWA!
PROJECT COMPLIES WITH THE ORDINANCE! MWELO COMPLIANCE RESULTS: MAWA=712,845 gallons ETWU=663,366 gallons PROJECT COMPLIES WITH THE ORDINANCE! Since the Estimated Total Water Use (ETWU) does not surpass the Maximum Applied Water Allowance (MAWA), the project has complied with the ordinance. These results set the “ceiling and floor” of the overall water budget. The landscape area can survive and thrive within the calculated range of water allowance.
REQUIREMENTS ON THE LANDSCAPE DESIGN PLAN Landscape planting plans require the following statement on the first sheet of the set of plans: “I have complied with the criteria of the ordinance and applied them accordingly for the efficient use of water in the landscape design plan.” WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE WORKSHEET LANDSCAPE DESIGN PLAN GRADING PLAN IRRIGATION PLAN The statement is to be located next to the signature stamp on the first sheet of the irrigation design set of plans. This instruction may be over-written by the local (agency) ordinance.
REQUIREMENTS ON THE LANDSCAPE DESIGN PLAN Turf is prohibited in street medians. Areas less than ten feet shall be irrigated with subsurface irrigation Soil prep shall be transformed to a friable condition No turf in slopes >25% (4:1) High water use plants (plant factor of 0.7-1.0) are prohibited in street medians. WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE WORKSHEET LANDSCAPE DESIGN PLAN GRADING PLAN IRRIGATION PLAN Turf in parkways shall be irrigated with subsurface or non-overspray irrigation technology. Turf is defined as “a groundcover surface of mowed grass.” Exception to turf in parkways are those that are adjacent to parking strips and used to enter and exit vehicles. Friable means soil that is easily crumbled or loosely compacted down to a minimum depth per planting material requirements. See section 491 definitions in new ordinance document.
REQUIREMENTS ON THE LANDSCAPE DESIGN PLAN Soil amendments shall be incorporated according to recommendations of the soil report Install compost at a (min) rate of 4 cubic yards per 1,000 square feet of permeable area 3” (min) layer of mulch shall be applied on all exposed soil surfaces. WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE WORKSHEET LANDSCAPE DESIGN PLAN GRADING PLAN IRRIGATION PLAN Compost application rate can be over-written by the requirements of the soils report. Exceptions to the use of mulch includes: The use of inert materials Turf areas Creeping or rooting groundcovers Hydroseeding
REQUIREMENTS ON THE GRADING PLAN Grading plans require the following statement on the first sheet of the set of plans: “I have complied with the criteria of the ordinance and applied them accordingly for the efficient use of water in the grading design plan.” WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE WORKSHEET LANDSCAPE DESIGN PLAN GRADING PLAN IRRIGATION PLAN The statement is to be located next to the signature stamp on the first sheet of the irrigation design set of plans. This instruction may be over-written by the local (agency) ordinance. NO ADDITIONAL NEW CHANGES FROM PRIOR ORDINANCE.
MOST AFFECTED ELEMENTS OF THE LANDSCAPE DESIGN PACKAGE IRRIGATION PLAN WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE WORKSHEET GRADING PLAN LANDSCAPE DESIGN PLAN Review: This training module will cover the (four) design package elements that most effect Caltrans landscape and irrigation design projects.
NEW CHANGES TO THE MODEL WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE Effective December 1, 2015 Revised: Revised Maximum Applied Water Allowance (MAWA) calculation Revised Estimated Total Use (ETWU) calculation Revised Soils test requirements
NEW CHANGES TO THE MODEL WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE Effective December 1, 2015 New: New construction projects > 500 square feet. Rehabilitated landscape projects > 2,500 square feet. New Irrigation Efficiency for drip and overhead spray New ET Adjustment Factor (ETAF) New Turf restrictions These new changes reflect the latest updates made (Nov. 24, 2015) to the Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance. MWELO Calculations must be made to systems with potable or recycled water that are within the square footage ranges described.
EXEMPT Landscape projects with a temporary New Landscape <500 square feet Rehabilitated Landscapes <2,500 square feet Registered local, state or federal historical sites Ecological restoration projects without permanent irrigation system Mined-land reclamation projects without permanent irrigation system Temporary systems are those irrigated only during plant establishment period.