Physical Fitness and Your Health Group #2 Matt Colman Mike Dee Sean Phelan Patty Riddle
What is Physical Fitness? The ability to carry out daily tasks easily and have enough reserve energy to respond to unexpected demands Defined by participant’s level
Components of Physical Fitness Body Composition Flexibility Muscular Strength Muscular Endurance Cardiorespiratory Endurance
Body Composition The ratio of body fat to lean body tissue, including muscle, bone, water, and connective tissue such as ligaments, cartilage, and tendons
Flexibility The ability to move a body part through a full range of motion Flexibility is important because it reduces muscular strains and lower back problems
Muscular Strength The amount of force a muscle can exert Vital to activities that involve lifting, pushing, or jumping Helps performs daily activities more efficiently
Muscular Endurance The ability of muscles to do difficult physical tasks over a period of time without causing fatigue People with good muscular endurance generally have better posture and fewer lower back problems
Cardiorespiratory Endurance The ability of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels to send fuel and oxygen to the body’s tissues during long periods of vigorous activity
Measuring Body Composition Easiest way to measure body composition is with an instrument called a caliper Increased risk level of cardiovascular problems develop at: –Males: 25% body fat or higher –Females: 30% body fat or higher
Measuring Flexibility Two basic tests to generalize flexibility level: –The backsaver sit and stretch test –The knees to chest test Both tests measure the flexibility of the lower back and hamstrings
Measuring Muscular Strength Easy way to test upper body strength: –Push-ups Easy way to measure abdominal strength: –Curl ups
Measuring Muscular Endurance An exercise that tests muscular endurance is leg lifts A person in the healthy range should be able to complete eight or more leg lifts Seven or fewer leg lifts shows that a person is in the unhealthy range
Measuring Cardiorepiratory Endurance Use a step test to measure cardiorespiratory endurance After the test, find your pulse to see where you rate # of Heartbeats Rating 85-95Excellent Good Fair 125 or more Must Improve
Benefits of Physical Fitness Improves physical health Promotes mental and emotional health Enhances social health
Physical Health Improves body’s defense against diseases, especially ones linked to inactivity Increases energy level Promotes an active lifestyle
Mental/Emotional Health Serves as a stress reliever Stimulates intellectual thinking Fights symptoms of depression Leads to positive self-esteem and self-worth
Social Health Helps to promote healthy relationships Builds self-confidence in social interactions Increases opportunity to interrelate with others
Benefits of Exercise Exercise makes your muscles, bones, and other moving parts stronger Exercise also improves the body’s defense against disease
Fun Ways to Exercise Ways to exercise in a fun atmosphere Yoga, Aerobics, Bicycling, Swimming, Running, Lifting Weights, Karate
This graph shows the amount of kids participating in their high school PE programs