The Media and the Campaign In 2012, President Obama and Mitt Romney spent $1 billion each on the campaign. What did they spend most of the money on? Put take home quiz in basket.
Decision 2012! You are the campaign manager for Mitt Romney who has just be named the Republican candidate for President in It is September 1 st, you have 65 days till the election. What states will you visit? How long will you stay? What issues will you campaign on? See map
Media and the Campaign Types of media Free Media – coverage of the campaign by news outlets. Paid Media – political advertisements paid for by the candidates campaign. Hybrid – news events that are semi- controlled by the campaign (debates, speeches).
Types of advertisements Spot ad – any commercial sixty seconds or less in length. Positive ad – stresses the candidate’s strengths. Negative ad – attacks the opponent. Contrast ad – compare the candidate with the opponent. Inoculation ad – counteracting an attack before it comes. The Living Room Candidate
What is the purpose of debates in a Presidential campaign?
Debate Scorecard (Circle the Winner of each question) Obama: Romney: Question #1 Obama: Romney: Question #2 Obama: Romney: Question #3