Risk Assessment Nic Carstens Health & Safety Officer Tel:
What’s a risk then? A risk assessment is simply a careful examination of what, in your work, could cause harm to people, so that you can weigh up whether you have taken enough precautions or should do more to prevent harm..
The point behind it 2004/05, 220 people were killed and over 150,000 were injured at work because of a failure to manage risk. protect your most valuable asset, your employees & children. Forces you to pre-plan and live the journey BEFORE you leave. Legal requirement
Step 1 - Identify the hazards Visit the centre first before taking the children Ask professionals and course leaders for advice and guidance Obtain centre risk assessments & read them Past accidents?? Keep it realistic, no meteors or earthquakes! Have other schools gone before?
Step 2 - Decide who might be harmed and how Employees Volunteers Children Other people such as visitors Think about how your hazard will effect them or what damage it could cause.
Step 3 - Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions Have you done enough? Could you do more? Is there a less dangerous alternative? You are rating the risk before the controls are in place
Step 4 - Record your findings and implement them You must record the findings It might take time to fine tune an assessment Use the risk assessment form provided
Step 5 - Review your risk assessment and update if necessary If anything happens, review the assessment – can you add anything Annual reviews, or review in organising the journey Groups will change, always consider dynamics Things change – fact of life!
ITEM/ISSUEHAZARD/POSSIBLE OUTCOME PERSONS AT RISKRISK LEVELCONTROLS REQUIRED FURTHER ACTION Step 1 (general ) Step 1 (specific)Step 2 Step 3? - React Laptop UseBack strainUserMLaptop stand Desk, mouse & keyboard Work breaks etc Review in 6 months, possible desktop unit for office
Dynamic Assessment Decision based on circumstances Blocked road, damaged equipment, dangerous crowd, gas leak etc….. Use experience and common sense May not be recorded
Risk Exercise… As a head teacher I have asked you to take a group of 18 year 6 children to the playground to go on the newly constructed play facility for as photo opportunity. The playground is a short walk away across a few minor roads. The group is well behaved. What controls would you have in place – use the risk assessment form supplied.
Key Issues How many staff First Aid Communication Walking procedures Pre-visit? Which teachers?