Warm-Up Write down as many emotions as you can think of. Write down as many emotions as you can think of. Which are most common? Which are most common? Why might some of these emotions be on fewer lists? Why might some of these emotions be on fewer lists?
Understanding and Managing Emotions Lesson 8
Objectives Analyze how emotions influence your overall health Analyze how emotions influence your overall health Evaluate the positive and negative effects of peer, family and friends on emotional health Evaluate the positive and negative effects of peer, family and friends on emotional health Demonstrate strategies for communicating emotions and needs in healthful ways Demonstrate strategies for communicating emotions and needs in healthful ways
Emotions Signals that tell your mind and body how to react Signals that tell your mind and body how to react Also referred to as ‘feelings’Also referred to as ‘feelings’ Effectively communicating emotions is the key to building and maintaining healthy relationships Effectively communicating emotions is the key to building and maintaining healthy relationships
Emotions and Their Effect on the Health Triangle Emotions affect all 3 sides of the health triangle. Emotions affect all 3 sides of the health triangle. JOY- prompts the release of brain chemicals that cause you to experience warmth and a sense of well-being JOY- prompts the release of brain chemicals that cause you to experience warmth and a sense of well-being Promotes mental/emotional healthPromotes mental/emotional health Positively influences relationships, so also promotes social healthPositively influences relationships, so also promotes social health FEAR- can trigger physical changes, including increased perspirations, increased heart rate, and tightening of muscles FEAR- can trigger physical changes, including increased perspirations, increased heart rate, and tightening of muscles Affects physical healthAffects physical health ANGER- strong emotions, such as anger, can cause both physical and mental responses ANGER- strong emotions, such as anger, can cause both physical and mental responses Can affect physical and mental healthCan affect physical and mental health Inappropriate responses can be harmful to the people around you and would then affect social health as wellInappropriate responses can be harmful to the people around you and would then affect social health as well
Identifying Your Emotions Changes brought on by hormones during puberty can affect your emotions Changes brought on by hormones during puberty can affect your emotions Hormones: chemical secreted by your glands that regulate the activities of different body cellsHormones: chemical secreted by your glands that regulate the activities of different body cells Hormones can cause you to swing quickly between emotions Hormones can cause you to swing quickly between emotions Mixed emotions can also be challenging Mixed emotions can also be challenging First step toward knowing how to respond is identifying the emotion you are feeling First step toward knowing how to respond is identifying the emotion you are feeling
Happiness Being satisfied or feeling positive Being satisfied or feeling positive When you are happy you normally feel energetic, creative and sociable When you are happy you normally feel energetic, creative and sociable
Sadness Normal, healthy reaction to difficult events Normal, healthy reaction to difficult events Causes can range from being disappointed to experiencing loss of a loved one Causes can range from being disappointed to experiencing loss of a loved one May be mild and fleeting or longer lasting May be mild and fleeting or longer lasting Usually feel discouraged and have less energy Usually feel discouraged and have less energy
Love Strong affection Strong affection Deep concern Deep concern Respect Respect Complex emotion Complex emotion Includes supporting the growth and individual needs of another person and respecting that person’s values Includes supporting the growth and individual needs of another person and respecting that person’s values Can be expressed through words or actions Can be expressed through words or actions Comes in many forms Comes in many forms Caring for friends and familyCaring for friends and family Loyalty to siblingsLoyalty to siblings Deep sense of being connected to community or countryDeep sense of being connected to community or country
Empathy Ability to imagine and understand how someone else feels Ability to imagine and understand how someone else feels Feeling connected to another person’s emotions Feeling connected to another person’s emotions Can help to build and maintain relationships Can help to build and maintain relationships
Guilt Results from acting against one’s values OR from failure to act when action may have produced a better outcome Results from acting against one’s values OR from failure to act when action may have produced a better outcome Recognizing when you are not responsible for a negative outcome can help to save you from needless guilt Recognizing when you are not responsible for a negative outcome can help to save you from needless guilt
Anger Common reaction to being emotionally or physically hurt Common reaction to being emotionally or physically hurt If not handled properly it can result in violence If not handled properly it can result in violence Hostility: the intentional use of unfriendly or offensive behaviorHostility: the intentional use of unfriendly or offensive behavior People who show chronic hostile behaviors are 4-7 times more likely to die of heart disease People who show chronic hostile behaviors are 4-7 times more likely to die of heart disease Hostility is harmful to yourself and othersHostility is harmful to yourself and others
Fear Being startled by something Being startled by something Increased alertness Increased alertness Phobia: an exaggerated fear that can prevent people from leading normal lives Phobia: an exaggerated fear that can prevent people from leading normal lives
Just for Fun…NAME THAT PHOBIA Hematophobia Hematophobia Fear of bloodFear of blood Ailurophobia Ailurophobia Fear of catsFear of cats Demophobia Demophobia Fear of crowdsFear of crowds Nyctophobia Nyctophobia Fear of the darkFear of the dark Thanatophobia Thanatophobia Fear of deathFear of death Mysophobia Mysophobia Fear of dirtFear of dirt Batrachophobia Batrachophobia Fear of frogsFear of frogs Belonephobia Belonephobia Fear of needlesFear of needles Algophobia Algophobia Fear of pain Ophidiophobia Ophidiophobia Fear of snakes Arachnophobia Arachnophobia Fear of spiders Xenophobia Xenophobia Fear of strangers Phobophobia Phobophobia Fear of phobias Panophobia Panophobia Fear of everything Agoraphobia Agoraphobia Fear of open spaces
Emotions on the Job In groups of 4-5, pick a specific occupation (each group needs a different one) In groups of 4-5, pick a specific occupation (each group needs a different one) Brainstorm situations that would provoke a specific emotional response (I will assign this to you) Brainstorm situations that would provoke a specific emotional response (I will assign this to you) Role play one positive and one negative way to handle the situation Role play one positive and one negative way to handle the situation Perform in front of class and we will guess which emotion you are representing as well as which is the positive and negative way to respondPerform in front of class and we will guess which emotion you are representing as well as which is the positive and negative way to respond
Managing Emotions Defense Mechanisms: mental processes that protect individuals from strong or stressful emotions and situations Defense Mechanisms: mental processes that protect individuals from strong or stressful emotions and situations Figure 7.4 pg 190Figure 7.4 pg 190 Repression Repression Suppression Suppression Rationalization Rationalization Regression Regression Denial Denial Compensation Compensation Projection Projection Idealization Idealization
Handling Fear Identify your fear Identify your fear Talk about your fear with someone that you trust Talk about your fear with someone that you trust Some fear is healthy, but when fear is irrational or uncontrollable it should be considered a problem Some fear is healthy, but when fear is irrational or uncontrollable it should be considered a problem
Dealing with Guilt Address the underlying issue Address the underlying issue Learn from experience and try to make better decisions in the future Learn from experience and try to make better decisions in the future Discuss the situation with family or friends Discuss the situation with family or friends Keep in mind that some situations may be out of your control Keep in mind that some situations may be out of your control View circumstances realistically and honestly View circumstances realistically and honestly
Managing Anger Can be one of the most difficult emotions to handle Can be one of the most difficult emotions to handle Address the underlying source Address the underlying source
Hands on Health Pg 191 Hands on Health Pg 191 Complete 1,2 and 3Complete 1,2 and 3 Complete the “apply and conclude” section on your own OR with a partner. Remember you are illustrating an EFFECTIVE anger management skillComplete the “apply and conclude” section on your own OR with a partner. Remember you are illustrating an EFFECTIVE anger management skill