Intervention outcomes for male DV offenders Preliminary Data Gilbert MacVaugh and Alan Rosenbaum (Unpublished)
Demographics N= 1,150 male DV offenders (Based on all 1999 DV arrests for whom data were available in Worcester District Court Age: Mean= Years (S.D.= 9.65) Race: 54% Caucasian, 19% AF-AM, 24% Hispanic, 4% Asian-AM, 2.4% Unknown origin Included Offenses: A&B, A&B w/ dangerous weapon, Violation of restraining order, Criminal threatening (All against female partner).
Criminal Justice System Response Arrest Only: n=540 (24.8%) Probation: n=133 (11.5%) Incarceration: n=164 (14.2%) Anger Management: n= 91 (7.9%) Certified BIP: n=74 (6.4%) Substance Abuse Eval or Tx: n=28 (2.4%) Other Counseling: n=19 (1.6%) Treatment non-completers: n=106 (9.1%)
Recidivism Overall Re-offense rate: 40% ( Between 1999 and 2004) Type of re-offense DV- 18% Non DV- 15% DV plus Non-DV- 23%
Recidivism Compared to the criminal justice intervention only (arrest, incarceration, etc.), offenders having any type of treatment had significantly lower rates of recidivism (31.5% vs. 41.6%) and Fewer number of re-offenses (0.46 compared to 0.79).
Recidivism by disposition Arrest only33.2% Probation only36.1% Incarceration56.7% Anger Management22.0% Certified BIP35.1% Substance abuse Tx only42.9% Counseling unspecified47.4% Treatment non-completers67.6%
Mean number of re-offenses by 2004 by intervention
Mean Number of Months to Re- offense by intervention