Halloween safety By Marisa hale year 4
useful tips !. Be safe by staying with your adult.. Only go with people that you know and stick together.. Ask a adult to carve your jack o lantern.. When you light your jack o lantern stand back from it.
H appy Halloween to everyone lets keep it safe and have lots of fun A lways stick together and never be alone L ight up the streets brightly with lanterns or a light L ets all stick together and go with dad or mum, watching them get scared can be a lot of fun O ur jack o lanterns are looking cool do not try to light it do not be a fool W e were bright colours to go out on the night so we can be seen from cars passing by E veryone should stay together no one should be alone Halloween safety H appy Halloween to everyone lets keep it safe and have lots of fun A lways stick together and never be alone L ight up the streets brightly with lanterns or a light L ets all stick together and go with dad or mum, watching them get scared can be a lot of fun O ur jack o lanterns are looking cool do not try to light it do not be a fool W e were bright colours to go out on the night so we can be seen from cars passing by E veryone should stay together no one should be alone
E ating our treats out in the streets but bring the litter home leave the place neat N ow that we’ve come to the end of this verse I hope you have fun and nobody gets hurt
Step 1. ask a adult to buy your pumpkin. Step 2. ask a adult to carve your pumpkin. Step 3. once you have carved your pumpkin ask an adult to light the pumpkin step 4. after you have lit your pumpkin put it some where safe so it doesn’t catch on fire then stand back.
Thank you for watching this Halloween safety please pick up some advice off this