The Problem Today’s teachers face many obstacles that include understanding the complex nature of language, trying to meet the diverse needs of learners, and charting student progress in meeting accountability criteria required of the school
The Solution How can TESOl help teachers? TESOL provides teachers with an understanding of how language and content interact within school context. The TESOL functions as a guide for teachers with the means to support students achievement.
Supporting Details To facilitate the academic success of ELL students educators must capitalize on the cultural as well as the academic knowledge and skills that the students bring from their native lands. By connecting the academic material wit students’ background knowledge and skills, educators can bridge the gap to students’ second language development
Supporting Details How can educators achieve this? By being aware of: Language registers Social Language Academic Language Language Functions
Language Registers Language registers are the different varieties of language used depending on the setting, the relationship between the individuals involved in the community, and the purpose of the interaction For example a student may speak to a teacher in a more formal style of communication, but when the student is conversing with friends they will use an entirely different style of speech
Social Language Social language includes the everyday and instructional registers used in face-to-face interactions within the school setting This language is mostly heard in the hallways, during P.E., ad outside of the classroom It is also needed in the classroom
Academic Language Academic language, also known as content-specific language, is the language necessary for success in school. This language is used in the classroom environment during instructions and assessments Teachers can support academic language through vocabulary, grammar, and discourse
Language Functions Language functions are an important component of the language of school. It refers to how language is used in the communication of a message Much of what is said in the classroom is for a purpose, such as a greeting, congratulating, requesting permission to speak, requesting help or responding to a question
The 5 Principles Research and practice have influenced the development of TESOL These principles serve as the foundation for the ELP standards to represent the role of language proficiency
5 Principles Principle 1: Language proficiency is an outgrowth of cumulative experiences both inside and outside of school Principle 2: Language proficiency can reflect complex thinking when linguistic complexity is reduced and support is present Principle 3: Both social ad academic language proficiencies are necessary for school success Principle 4: Academic language proficiency works in tandem with academic achievement Principle 5: Academic language proficiency is developed through sustained content-based language instruction With a solid conceptual base in their native language, students can more readily recognize comprehend, and apply new vocabulary and language patterns in a second language