English as a Second Language (ESL) Requirements Limited English Proficient (LEP) Ivanna M T Anderson, NCDPI ESL/Title III Consultant
Our Vision To build capacity at the local school system level and sustain statewide implementation of research-based strategies to meet the needs of our English learners.
Session Objectives NC LEP Demographics Acronyms WIDA: Standards, W-APT and ACCESS PowerSchool Resources on ESL Wiki/LiveBinder Charter School Responsibilities State and Federal Funding
LEP Students in NC
Alphabet Soup ELD ELL ELP ESL LEP LIEP MFLEP W-APT WIDA Consortium: WIDA Program: ESL Standards: ELD, ELP, WIDA Students: ELL, LEP, MFLEP Services: LIEP Test: W-APT
The WIDA Consortium 2015 World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment
English Language Development (ELD) Standards English Language Proficiency (ELP) Assessments Password: Testing Coordinator/RAC
Intro to WIDA ELD Standards 8 WIDA Consortium WIDA’s ELD Standards Social & Instructional Language Language of Language Arts Language of Mathematics Language of Science Language of Social Studies Academic Language Standard 1 Standard 2 Standard 3 Standard 4 Standard 5
ELD Standards Support: –Training –Webinars –Data Retreats –On-line Modules Available on Power School!
LEP Identifier: W-APT (May be replaced) After completing the Home Language Survey, if a language other than English is determined, the W-APT is administered to determine if the student is Limited English Proficient (LEP)
LEP Identifier: W-APT Can be given 90 days before school begins and as new students enter throughout the school year Ensure parents are notified within 30 days of 1 st day of school or 14 days after enrollment.
ACCESS for ELLs OnlineTesting Testing Window February 1 – March 11, 2016 (Students entering after March 5 do not have to be tested on ACCESS) Exit Standards: (K &Tier B or C grades 1-12 for paper test, adaptive on line) Comprehensive Objective Composite (COC) A minimum score of 4.8 Composite AND 4.0 Reading AND 4.0 Writing
Power School Working with PowerSchool –Security Group –Roles Oct 1 st Headcount (LEP) Feb1st Headcount (Immigrant) RCR Process
Carolina TESOL November, 2012 ESL Wikisite Curriculum and Instruction Legislation & Policy Resources Accountability LEP Coordinators NC Charter Schools
11 Steps to Success!
ALL charter schools should: 1) designate a person to work with LEP data via the authoritative source even if there are currently no LEP students enrolled. PowerSchool will now serve as the authoritative source for LEP student data and therefore serves as the official system for verifying student LEP status. LEP functionality will be managed at the state level by the NCDPI English as a Second Language (ESL) program staff and locally by LEP coordinators and designees. Please refer to the NC SIS or LEP Coordinator page for the archived webinar and more information about how to access this functionality.NC SISLEP Coordinator
2) join the LEP coordinator listserv and provide contact information for the LEP Coordinator statewide list by completing the form on the bottom of the Home page of this WIKI 3) be aware of the NC process for identifying Limited English Proficient Students (LEPs) (LEP Identification )LEP Identification 4) be aware of the annual ACCESS test of English language proficiency in case students arrive during the year
5) complete the October 1 and February 1 headcounts (Webinars will be provided prior to each headcount) 6) be aware of LEP support documentation such as: a. the WIDA web site ( b. ESL website ( c. ESL quick start guide (Quick Reference) d. LEP Coordinator LiveBinder ( Reference)
Charter schools with LEPs should: 7) utilize the NC ELD Essential Standards (WIDA Standards) to guide instruction ( - Download 2007 and 2012) 8) complete an LIEP service chart and submit to ESL at NCDPI (Due date November 30, Send to (Documents have not been updated for the school year. You may refer to these documents for information but wait for the updated forms before completing and submitting) LIEP Guidance LIEP Guidance PowerPoint for Webinar LIEP Guidance Webinar
9) complete an LEP Plan for each identified LEP Student. Sample Student LEP PlanSample Student LEP Plan An LEP Plan does not have to be as detailed as this sample. 10) follow proper W-APT and ACCESS test training procedures ( 11) attend the beginning of year LEP Coordinator’s meeting hosted by NCDPI or review documents if unable to attend. (Hold the Date September 28-29, Location TBD)
Federal Funding: PRC 104 PRC 104 – Generate $10,000 to qualify or form a consortium Funding is determined by US Census Data Application and PD Survey due in May/June Monitoring AMAOs
Title III Accountability: AMAOs Progress in English Proficiency (AMAO 1) English proficiency (AMAO 2) Meet regular Title I AMO Targets in both participation and proficiency (AMAO 3) Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives
Federal Funding: PRC 111 PRC 111 – Qualify based on a 3 year calculation of significant increase in immigrant students February 1 Headcount determines qualification for funding You can qualify for just PRC 111
State Funding: PRC 054 October 1 Headcount determines funding Primary funding source for ESL teachers
Funding Summary: May be eligible for PRC 104 after first year of operation. May be eligible for PRC 111 after third year of operation. Eligible for PRC 054 from first year of operation.
NC DPI ESL Team District 6, 7, 8 Charlotte “Nadja” Trez ESL/Title III Consultant NC DPI District 4, 5 and Charters Schools Ivanna M T Anderson ESL/Title III Consultant NC DPI District 1, 2, 3 Lindsey Fults ESL/Title III Consultant NC DPI Michael Riles Data Management and Reporting NC DPI