REPORT OF THE TASK FORCE ON IMPACT ASSESSMENT OF FELLOWSHIPS IN THE UN SYSTEM AND AGENCIES Dr Alexandre Goubarev, WHO/Impact Assessment Taskforce Chair Impact Assessment of United Nations System Fellowship Programmes
TASK FORCE TIMELINE ActivityTimeWho is responsible 1) Draft Terms of Reference (TOR) June 2007WHO and UN/DESA 2) Circulate for comments to Task Force (TF) members End of June 2007WHO and UN/DESA 3) Agreed TOR by TF members September 2007Task Force and UN/DESA
Terms of Reference of the Task Force on Impact Assessment of Fellowships Specific Objectives: 1. To undertake a literature search, document analysis and a critical review of fellowships assessment and evaluation methods and processes and in consultations with all the key stakeholders involved, to define the scope and dimensions of assessing a fellowship’s relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact. 2. To identify and pre-test scientifically sound tools/methodologies, including core indicators and/or benchmarks to assess the successful impact and outcomes of a fellowship programme. 3. To consolidate the defined scope, core indicators/benchmarks and methodologies/tools to assess/evaluate a fellowship programme’s impact into a draft framework for discussions at the 17th Meeting of the SFOs.
TASK FORCE TIMELINE ActivityTimeWho is responsible 1) Draft Terms of Reference (TOR) June 2007WHO and UN/DESA 2) Circulate for comments to Task Force (TF) members End of June 2007WHO and UN/DESA 3) Agreed TOR by TF members September 2007Task Force and UN/DESA 4) Hire qualified consultants (STC) to undertake defined tasks in TOR March - April 2008Task Force and UN/DESA
Revised Terms of Reference of the Task Force on Impact Assessment of Fellowships Specific Objectives: 1. To undertake a literature search, document analysis and a critical review of methods and processes of training impact evaluation, with a view to determine the relevance of these approaches to the assessment of the impact of UN Fellowships programmes. 2. With reference to the review of the literature and in consultation with the Task Force, to draft a generic evaluation framework that defines the scope, dimensions and core indicators for evaluating the impact of UN Fellowships programmes. 3. To identify necessary conditions and supportive measures to enable implementation of the impact evaluation framework in the context of the UN Fellowships programmes and to present the findings of this review for discussion and review at the 17th Meeting of SFO.
TASK FORCE TIMELINE ActivityTimeWho is responsible 5) Revised Draft Terms of Reference (TOR) April 2008 WHO, Consultants and UN/DESA 6) Consultants commence review as specified in TOR Beginning of May 2008 WHO, Consultants 7) Consultants submit progress report Mid June 2008WHO, Consultants
TASK FORCE TIMELINE ActivityTimeWho is responsible 8) Consultants submit report for consultation with Task Force End of July 2008WHO, Consultants, Task Force and UN/DESA 9) Consultation with Task Force completed Mid September 2008WHO, Consultants, Task Force and UN/DESA 10) Discussion of findings and formulation of recommendations November 2008 During 17th SFO Meeting All SFOs