Sherif Abdel-Fattah Chair ELG Consultant in Obstetrics & Fetal Medicine Southmead Hospital, Bristol, UK Egyptian Liaison Group
Background Egyptian consultants in UK have been scientifically active in Egypt for many years ELG officially formed October 2008 Acting under ERC-RCOG, not separate nor parallel Currently 65 UK-based Egyptian consultants & specialists & trying to identify more
Terms of Reference To enhance the healthcare and wellbeing of women in Egypt, through the ERC, and in accordance with the crucial international role of the RCOG AIM
Terms of Reference Objectives Support development of women ’ s healthcare Promote evidence based medicine Help developing guidelines Help in postgraduate training Help the ERC establish a CPD programme In Egypt
Terms of Reference Provide UK training opportunities to Egyptian trainees Provide guidance for Egyptian trainees & help developing their professional career Share in conveying the Egyptian and other developing countries ’ needs to the RCOG and other relevant bodies Objectives In the UK
Five members elected by all identified Egyptian consultants & specialists in UK Elections administered by ERC Entirley voluntary contribution First Chairman: Mr Mohamed Hatem. Retired February 2010 & current Chair elected 3 years term – maximum 2 terms Steering Committee
Members meet at least twice a year: ERC conference Scientific activities in Egypt RCOG: Provide free meeting facilities Regular Skype conferences Regular communications with RCOG International Vice President & International Office Chairman presents report to RCOG International Board once yearly
Activities Courses Scientific Conferences Training opportunities Saturdays & Sundays to minimise time off
Activities Part 2 MRCOG Basic Practical Skills (BPS) PROMPT PPH Courses
Annual since 2001 (Pre official ELG) 4 days course 3-4 ELG members + ERC members Theoretical + all types of questions practice Guidance & coaching re-UK practice and system Part 2 MRCOG MRCOG 2012 MRCOG 2010
Basic Practical Skills (BPS) Three yearly courses since ELG members + ERC members Similar format to RCOG BPS
PROMPT (PRactical Obstetric MultiProfessional Training) First course: October 2010 Professor Tim Draycott + 4 members of PROMPT team + 2 ELG members
PostPartum Haemorrhage (PPH) January 2011: 3 courses, one day each, in Cairo & Alexandria Mr Essam El-Hamamy, Prof. B-Lynch, Prof. Arulkumuran
Scientific Conferences
First combined ERC/ELG conference February 2010 Partnership for improving women’s health 16 UK-based Egyptian speakers, more attending Travel expenses self-funded > 300 delegates
Second conference 5-6 March 2011, cancelled due to revolution RCOG CPD approvedJanuary 2011 Activities Scientific Conferences
Training opportunities
UK Training opportunities ST3 jobs (IDTP) MD Scholarships Clinical attachments (pre Part 2 MRCOG)
Future Plans (with RCOG’s support) Offer ATSM for adequately qualified Egyptain trainees Provide training opportunities in Egypt for UK trainees through a trainees’ exchange programme Develop ELG section on RCOG website Develop social activities for ELG members
Future Plans RCOG Egypt Day 14 September 2012 Mr Ahmed Sekotory, ELG Secretary