2 Sub-Message 2 Sub-Message Headline: What do you want people to get from this slide? It is NOT a description, it is a headline that 1) force you to go to the point and 2) help your audience understand your point without having to go through all the content. For example: "2015 Revenue Grew 44%”. The Meat: Provide informative content that support your headline. Think: “Is what I state here helping me to demonstrate my point?” Give Your Audience a Roadmap Sub-Message 1 Sub-Message 2 Sub-Message 3 Sub-Message 4 Put the name of your presentation here Supporting material: Charts Figures Industry trends, data…. Pictures Use supporting facts / images that tie in with your message and help your audience visualize what you want to tell them. For design consistency, you can use your company logo colors in that bar.
3 For the sake of quality For good service 74% 82% 36% Of Chinese consumers think style is more important than function Sources: Deloitte, Winning the wallet of today’s Chinese consumers (2010) Retail trends 1.Introduction 2.Market Forces 3.Industry forces 4.Retail Trends 5.Product Trends 6.Conclusions China retail market analysis Chinese consumers are getting more sophisticated and individualistic. They are willing to pay more for quality and services.