Phylum Arthropoda Subphylum Uniramia
End show Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Subphylum Uniramia Class: Diplopoda (dip-lop-o-da)Diplopoda Millipedes Class: Chilopoda (ki-lop-o-da)Chilopoda Centipedes Class: Insecta (in-sect-a)Insecta Insects
End show Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Class: Diplopoda Note two pair of appendages per somite Return to Uniramia
End show Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Class: Chilopoda Appendages of first body segment modified into poison fangs Ventral view House centipedes Dorsal view
End show Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Class Insecta Order: Thysanura (silverfish)Thysanura Order: Ephemeroptera (mayflies)Ephemeroptera Order: Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies)Odonata Order: Orthoptera (crickets and grasshoppers)Orthoptera Order: Phasmida (walking sticks)Phasmida Order: Blattaria (cockroaches)Blattaria Order: Mantodea (praying mantids)Mantodea Order: Isoptera (termites)Isoptera Head, thorax, and abdomen distinct. Typically with two pair of wings
End show Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Insecta (orders continue) Order: Hemiptera (true bugs)Hemiptera Order: Homoptera (cicadas, aphids, leafhoppers, scale insects)Homoptera Order: Neuroptera (lacewings, ant lions, dobsonflies)Neuroptera Order: Coleoptera (beetles, weevils, fireflies)Coleoptera Order: Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths)Lepidoptera Order: Diptera (true flies)Diptera Order: Siphonaptera (fleas)Siphonaptera Order: Hymenoptera (ants, bees, wasps)Hymenoptera
End show Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Order Thysanura Silverfish Primitive unwinged insects. Three long terminal cerci (filaments) Return to Insecta
End show Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Order: Ephemeroptera Mayflies The forewings are much larger than the hind wings, note the two long cerci on the last abdominal segment. Return to Insecta
End show Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Order: Odonata Dragonflies and damselflies Long narrow bodies with long narrow membranous wings that are similar in size. Return to Insecta Dragonflies Damselflies
End show Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Order: Orthoptera Crickets and grasshoppers Enlarged femur on third walking leg Return to Insecta House cricket Mole cricket Camel CricketsCave cricket Grasshoppers
End show Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Order: Phasmida Walking sticks Very elongated and twig-like in appearance Return to Insecta
End show Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Order: Blattaria Cockroaches Oval flattened shape with the head concealed under the pronotum (shield) Return to Insecta
End show Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Order: Mantodea Prey Mantids Modified front legs with front femora and tibiae are armed with strong spines and fitted for grasping prey. Return to Insecta Egg case
End show Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Order: Isoptera Termites Distinguishable from ants by broad union of thorax and abdomen. Return to Insecta
End show Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Order: Hemiptera True bugs Forewings with base portion leathery, apical portion membranous. Piercing sucking mouthparts. Return to Insecta
End show Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Order: Homoptera Cicadas, aphids, leafhoppers, scale insects Wings held roof-like over body, piercing sucking mouthparts Return to Insecta
End show Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Order: Neuroptera Lacewings, ant lions, dobsonflies Membranous wings with many cross veins Return to Insecta Ant lion larva (doodlebug) Lacewing Dobsonflies ¢
End show Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Order: Coleoptera Beetles, weevils, fireflies Front (top) wings thick and hard Return to Insecta
End show Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Order: Lepidoptera Butterflies and moths Wings with overlapping scales, coiled sucking mouthparts Return to Insecta
End show Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Order Diptera True flies One pair of wings others modified into halteres Return to Insecta
End show Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Order: Siphonaptera Fleas Laterally compressed body, no wings, piercing, sucking mouth parts. Return to Insecta
End show Jenna Hellack Fall 2000 Order: Hymenoptera Ants, bees, wasps Membranous, narrow wings coupled distally. Return to Insecta Last slide