Day 7 Open Court Phonics and Fluency Blending and Developing Oral Language
ant want wash watch swamp wasp ant want wash watch wasp swampant want wash watch wasp swamp wawa What sound does the a have in this sound spelling?
catcat car start smart sharp shark cat car start smart sharp sharkcat car start smart sharp shark ar What sound does the ar have in this sound spelling?
horn born sport short north porch horn born sport short north porch or What sound does the or have in this sound spelling? horn born sport short north porch
sir her fur hurt dirt girl sir her fur hurt dirt girl not er ir ur What sound do these sound spellings have? sir her fur hurt dirt girl grill
worm work worth worst word worm work worth worst world wor What sound does the or have when it comes after w ? word worm work worth worst world wor
denden gargarden barberbarber perfectperfect walwalwalletletlet peppepper peppermint ininterinterrupt garden barber perfect wallet peppermint interrupt mint rupt garden barber perfect wallet peppermint interrupt
ant want wash watch wasp cat car start smart sharp shark horn born sport short north porch sir her fur hurt dirt girl word worm work worth worst world garden barber perfect wallet peppermint interrupt Developing Oral Language
Sentences Watch the birds perch through the storm. Oh, Kurt works there on the farm. oh throughthere the Watch the birds perch through the storm.