How do biography authors hook and hold readers? ”Hooks are essential, regardless of whether you are writing fiction, non-fiction, poetry, or scripts. They lead off chapters and end chapters, enticing the reader to continue turning pages until the book is done. They are also required for your back cover content, agent query letters, and promotional literature. A good hook starts your story, intrigues the reader, and captures the interest of an agent. It is also consistent with the rest of your story…you don’t want a manuscript peppered with brilliant little hooks that have very little relevance to the body of the work” (Sandra Kischuk). ”It needs to be attractive, professionally written and designed, and tell the reader the benefits of further exploring this particular book if it is non-fiction, or catch him or her into the intrigue of the story, biography, or non-fiction information. If the book has been recognized, say so. If it is part of a successful series, let the reader know. Your back cover needs to be thought of as a hook, drawing the reader deeper into your book, encouraging him or her to start reading the chapters” (Sandra Kischuk).
How do biography writers persuade their readers? ”If the author can entice the reader to open the book, it’s that first line, first paragraph, first page that will determine whether the reader continues” (Sandra Kischuk). “ A good book cover invites a potential reader to pick it up. But you’re not there yet. The most valuable real estate when the book is in someone’s hands is the dust jacket or back cover” (Sandra Kischuk).
How would biography writers make boring life events exciting? “Write all of the dull basics and only when finished write the interesting parts in. That way there isn't the risk of rushing through them as a last minute add on and there is the treat waiting at the end of being able to write the fun stuff. Picture the story as a journey from one side of the country to the other. Do a long stretch of boring facts to get to that long awaited gas station for a toilet break and coffee then another long stretch of boring facts before reaching the next satisfying detour for a picnic break. By picturing a starting point, exciting stories joined by necessary less exciting parts and an eventual end point the boring points seem less boring and more important as they link the whole story together” (Dulcinea Norton-Smith). “You may find that these biographies present a challenge because there is not always an obvious plot or conflict. There is drama and things happen, people may live and die or love and hate, but thankfully, with a little work up front, you can turn a true story into a fascinating biography” (Jason Keele). (How to Write an Interesting Biography | biography.html#ixzz1FHbEEVK5)How to Write an Interesting Biography | biography.html#ixzz1FHbEEVK5
What form of organization would you use for your subjects biography? “The most straight-forward manner is simple chronological order; for example, birth to present (or death if the subject has already passed). If there are a number of standout events to be emphasized, you might organize around those instead. If you wish to be unique, organize by individuals (other than your subject) who have contributed significantly to your notes. Your choice should make the biography interesting and easy to read” (Tania Kidd). “The easiest and most obvious format for a biography is chronological, but it isn't always the best choice for every person's life story. One common way to format a biography is to confine the timeframe to relevant years, rather than encompassing an individual's entire life. A presidential biography, for example, may best be confined to the former president's political career. Another option for formatting a biography is a narrative form. This structure may discuss the same years of a person's life or their significance on others several times, but each time from a unique viewpoint. Together, several viewpoints can give a much richer perspective than a straight chronological outline” (Melissa Mayntz).
How does a biography writer choose a subject? “When choosing a biography subject the choice should be made with a clear head. The writer should choose their subject as if choosing a soul mate to marry” (Dulcinea Norton-Smith). “Who to write about is a critical decision when writers decide how to write a biography. Many famous individuals - presidents, actors, and other notable figures - already have multiple published biographies, and it is important to choose someone about whom there is more to say. On the other hand, the subject of the biography can vary greatly depending on the purpose for writing it. A grandparent or eccentric ancestor, for example, may be the perfect subject for a school biography report or local family history” (Melissa Mayntz).