2500 BC- Harappa city dwellers built indoor toilets Non-flushable toilets empty into a sewer system 1500 BC – The technology is lost during an invasion Advances in toilets take place in Europe
1500 BC- Plumbers of Crete installed a flushable toilet for the Queen When flushed, the rainwater fills the bowl and the contents empty through clay pipes 1400 AC- Earthquake destroyed the palace Google images
800 BC- Cloaca Maxima construction in Rome Sewer System that carried waste to Tiber River Toilets made above sewers 11,000 toilets lined in rectangular rooms– no privacy To wipe they used ONE sponge at the end of a stick
1300 AD- Europeans used outhouses and sheds with a seat built over a hole in the ground While cleaning, Richard the Racer fell through the hole and drown Google images
Indoor toilets called chamber pots When the bowl is full, the waste gets tossed out the window Google Images
New Yorker Joseph Gayetty introduced toilet paper Each sheet had Gayetty’s signature Before toilet paper, people used whatever they could find Google Images
Devoted but busy readers could buy chamber pots disguised as a stack of books
Alexander Cummings created S- traps- a modern flushable toilet The S-trap allows waste to go down taking the smell with it Google Images
Thomas Twyford introduced Unitas- one piece ceramic toilets Eliminates leaky joints which caused bad smells Many ceramic toilets take on elaborate decorations Google images
The Matsushita Electronic Industrial Company of Japan look at toilets smarter than you High tech bowl measures weight and body-fat content Chemical sensors analyze information regarding health
November 19 th - World Toilet Day The average person spends 3 years of their life sitting on a toilet There are 333 squares of toilet paper in each role Fun Toilet Facts | It Thing! Fun Toilet Facts | It Thing!