Welcome to Back to School Night nd Grade – Room 208
Ms. Leikvold At Hoffman-Boston since Phone: I welcome notes and visits from you!
Beginning of the Day Students may arrive at school beginning at 8:30. Enter classrooms at 8:45. Begin teaching at 9:00 Morning meeting – social-emotional intelligence and community building.
Language Arts Focus on building independent, life long readers and fluent writers. Management: Reader’s Workshop Curriculum: Storytown, Being a Writer, Leveled Classroom Library, and Word Study
Recess and Lunch Birthday and other celebrations will be celebrated during the last 10 minutes of the day, so as to not take away from instructional time. Please consider sugar content (!) if providing treats for celebrations.
Every Day Counts Daily Math Program based on the calendar. Focuses on patterns, numbers. Enhances the math curriculum.
Intervention Time for individual differentiation based on student need. Specialists and teachers work with students in math, reading, writing or content. Data-based instruction.
Content Science –Hands-on, literature based. Focus: science skills, life cycles, magnets, weather, environment Social Studies – focus on civics and the community, map skills, economics, China, Egypt, and American Indians.
Math Curriculum: Expressions Focus on “math talk” and “math community”. Interactive and hands on. Rigorous! On Blackboard
Specials PE – once a week STEM – also linked to our daily curricula Music Art Project Edison Library
Homework Daily reading and a reading log to fill out (Monday – Thursday) Daily math which supports that day’s lesson (Monday – Friday). Additional homework as the year progresses. Written in their agenda.
Field Trips Several field trips coming up: Chaperones are welcome! Please get permission slips in on time.
Thanks for your support in… Getting your child to school on time. Encouraging them to complete their homework. Keeping us informed of changes in their lives. Keeping them healthy and happy. We couldn’t do it without you!