Both, neither and either. Both, either or neither used for talking about two people or things.
Both, neither + either - examples. Both (entrambi) is followed by plural nouns. Examples: I’m free on both days. I’m free on both Monday and Friday. Either (o l’uno o l’altro dei due) is followed by a singular noun. Examples: I’m free on either day. I’m free on either Monday or Friday. Neither (né l’uno né l’altro dei due) is followed by a singular noun. Examples: Neither day is good for me. Neither Monday nor Friday is good for me.
What can you say about these activities?
Comparing the activities Both activities are dangerous. Neither bungee jumping nor tightrope walking is recommended for people with heart conditions. Neither of the two activities is 100% safe. Personally, I wouldn’t do either. “Would you do either?” “No, neither.” / “Yes, both.” “I think both are too dangerous!” “So do I”.
What can you say about these two workers?
Comparing the two workers. Both workers are very stressed. Neither of them is happy in their jobs. If either one of them could change their jobs, they would.
How can you compare teenagers and cats?
Find out why some parents think that their teenage sons or daughters have a lot in common with cats. 1. Neither cats nor teenagers turn their heads when you call them. 2. You would hardly ever see a cat walking outside of the house with its master. Neither would you see a teenager in public with his or her parents very often. 3. A cat doesn't share your taste in music. A teenager doesn't either. 4. Both cats and teenagers can lie on the sofa for hours on end without moving. 5. Cats expect you to prepare the food for them. So do teenagers. 6. If you tell a joke, Neither your cat nor your teen will laugh. 7. If you make a sudden move in their direction, both cats and teenagers get frightened. 8. Cats do not improve your furniture. Teenagers don't either. 9. Cats roam outside and often come home very late at night. So do teenagers. 10. Conclusion: no matter if you either have a cat or a teenager at home - it's all the same.