C LASSROOM MANAGEMENT Shiori Oka. My problem ・・・ ☆ 7 th graders love English. ☆ 9 th graders know language form. But they’re too shy to express themselves.


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Presentation transcript:


My problem ・・・ ☆ 7 th graders love English. ☆ 9 th graders know language form. But they’re too shy to express themselves.

the skill to use language Language form ☆ gesture & facial expression ☆ appropriate volume ☆ the willing to communicate in English

・ skit (with gesture) ・ speech (with gesture) ・ drama reading (with gesture) ・ music and dance! the skill to use language ☆ gesture & facial expression ☆ appropriate volume ☆ the willing to communicate in English

Dance What’s Dansinglish? SingEnglish

This is a frog. Can I see it? What’s your favorite food? Why? Can you water ski? Let’s go! Wow! It’s big. I like natto. I don’t know. No, I can’t. I’ll show you how. Are you ready to sing and dance?

This is a frog. Wow!

Step1 Learn how to dance & sing Step2&3 T → Mickey’s part (Minnie’s) S → Minnie’s part (Mickey’s) Step4&5 B → Mickey’s part(Minnie’s) G → Mickey’s part(Mickey’s) Step 6 play karuta Step 7 time race Step 8 acting time!

Kinesthetic learning Long term memory Dansinglish is better than Singlish. Even 2 years later 9 th graders can still sing and dance.

Dansinglish in anther way.

One more activity students loved Writing an English poem to tell their feeling! More romantic ! More thoughtful ! More creative!

L UNCHTIME Happy faces Eating, talking, laughing Time passes so quickly Wonderful

Friends Friends are my best treasure Laughing, Crying, Enjoying I can’t live without you I want to be with you forever ~Ren~

仲間 仲間は最高の宝だ 笑って、泣いて、楽しんで かけがえのない存在だ。 ずっとずっと一緒にいたい、この仲間達と Friends Friends are my best treasure Laughing, Crying, Enjoying I can’t live without you. I want to be with you forever ~Ren~

My poem 3~1

私の家 私の帰りを待っていてくれる人がいる場所 一番落ち着く場所 一番気持ちよく眠れる場所 私は自分の家が大好き 私にとって家はなくてはならないもの 家大好き My home My family is always there and waits for me The place I can relax the most The place I can go to sleep most pleasently I love my home LOVE ! My home is indispensable for me It’s my favorite! Yeah!!! ~Mio ~

相撲 魁皇、白鵬、豪栄道 大きい、大きい、大きい 魁皇はすばらしい 魁皇のようにたくさんの人から愛される人になり たい Sumo wrestling Kaio, Hakuho, Goeido Big, Big, Big Kaio is great I want to be loved by many people like him ~Koyo~

夢 僕は夢がすき。 だけど毎日は見れない 夢はランダムで、僕をヒーローにしたり 弱虫にしたり、ハッピーにしたりする でも起きたときはちょっとショックだけどね。 Dream I like dreaming But I can’t dream every night I can’t choose my dream I can be anybody in my dream Hero, Chicken, Happy The next day I notice it was a dream Sad….. ~Arashi~

私の友達 優しくて、強くて、しっかりしてて どこか抜けている あなたは私を支えてくれて、私もあなたを支える あなたは最高の友達で 私の自慢の友達です。 My friend Gentle , strong, steady You’re always reliable but , sometimes not You support me. I support you. You’re my best friend. I’m proud of you. ~Minori~

We had a very good time with you. We’re very proud of you. Thanks a lot. Best wishes for the future. ~ Ms. Oka and Ms. Maeda~

Thank you for listening.