Battle Of Somme
The One day Record Main western allied attack 58,000 British Soldiers 30 Kilometers e.jpg
How and When 1 July 1916 Joint Attack Onslaught at Verdun “Bleed France White” 24 June
The Attack Artillery 27 British and French Divisions 16 German trenched divisions French Calvary dpGhBYtZiMg/TaAXAppa5jI/AAAAAAAAGIA /RosZcXgADE0/s1600/BattleOfSommeWW jpg
Reinforcements 11 July, July, September, September, edia/commons/a/a6/Public_Schoo ls_Battalion_at_White_City_1916.j pg
The Snow 18 November, ,000 British casualties 200,000 French casualties 500,000 German casualties mons/thumb/4/4a/German_dead_Guillemon t_September_1916.jpg/220px- German_dead_Guillemont_September_1916.jpg
Mussolini's Invasion and the Italian Occupation of Ethiopia en_1_a.jpg
Affirmation September 29, 1934 Casus Belli December 1934 Anglo-Ethiopian boundary commission September abyssinian_war_ _italian_troops_ethiopia.jpg
No Obstacle in Mussolini’s way Anglo-French proposal August 1935 October 3, 1935 Seven months March 31, 1936 Early April abyssinian_war_ _war_map.jpg
An Emperor In Exile May 2, 1936 Haile Selassie left June 30, 1936 June 1936 Marshal Rodolfo Graziani mg0637.jpg
Ethiopian Revolts February 19, 1937, 30,000 killed November 1937 Early 1938, revolt in Gojam Emperor in Britian Italy entering WWII on72_384562_1[673921].jpg
Berlin Blockade 54landingattemplehof.jpg/250px-C-54landingattemplehof.jpg
The Heightening of the Cold War Three key events for blockade Marshall Plan London Conferences Currency reforms ssets/images/ilw1462.gif
Marshall Plan Communist Rebellions Truman Doctrine U.S Military Aid content/uploads/2012/03/Cold_war_europ e_economic_alliances.png
London Conference February-June 1948 Waning cooperation with Soviets West German Government Combined Zones Common Currency pyboy1/TSG%20Blog/GermanMap1947.png
The Final Days June 23 (24 June 1948 – 12 May 1949) spring of media/02/ EDBF.jpg
Works Cited e.htm e.htm ockade.asp ockade.asp