RIGHT ANGLE HAND This picture represents a right angle in the hand. When you place a line connecting them, a right triangle is created.
CRAYOLA MARKERS This is a picture of a Crayola Marker Box, making a right angle. The corner of the box makes a 90 degrees angle.
SCHOOL LOCKERS This is a picture of a school locker. In this picture the side of the locker forms a 90 degree angle with the bottom of the locker.
ENVELOPE BOX This is an envelope box that makes a right angle, classified as a right triangle.
TISSUE BOX This is representing a right angle in a tissue box. By placing a line down diagonally down this box, it forms two 90 degree angles (right Triangles.)
BULLETIN BOARD This is a picture of the corner of a bulletin board. It forms a right angle in the bottom & top corners.
BOARD GRAPH This paper represents a right angle in a graph of squares. When placing a line diagonally in the square, it forms two right triangle.
SCISSORS The blades of the scissors from a right angle, and by placing a line, connecting them, it forms a right triangle.
HAND SANITIZER This bottle of sanitizer forms a right angle, and when you place a line for the hypotenuse, a right triangle is made.
BINDER This binder forms a right angle in the corner of the binder.