Chapter 2 Characteristicsand Classification of Life
Chapter 2C Classification of Life
Taxonomy The science of classifying living organisms
III. Classification of Life A. Why classify?
Classify To arrange into groups
A. Why Classify? By learning characteristics about individuals, you can also learn characteristics about the whole group. By learning characteristics about individuals, you can also learn characteristics about the whole group. – Generalization
A. Why Classify? Classification makes finding information about specific organisms easier. Classification makes finding information about specific organisms easier. There are many different ways to classify living things. There are many different ways to classify living things.
III. Classification of Life B. The Modern Classification System
Developed by Carolus Linnaeus Developed by Carolus Linnaeus Composed of seven basic levels Composed of seven basic levels
B. The Modern Classification System Kingdom Kingdom Phylum Phylum Class Class Order Order Family Family Genus Genus Species Species
B. The Modern Classification System All of the living things in a particular group have some physical characteristics in common. All of the living things in a particular group have some physical characteristics in common.
The World of Classification
B. The Modern Classification System 1. Scientific names a) Linnaeus created a two- name system for naming each organism.
1. Scientific Names b) The first name is the genus of the organism. – Always capitalized c) The second name is the species of the organism. – Not capitalized
1. Scientific Names d) Scientific names are italicized. e) Latin words are used and often describe the organism.
Examples of scientific names Acer rubrum Canis familiaris
B. The Modern Classification System 2. Problems of Classification a) Uncertainties in classifying – What should be considered the same species?
B. The Modern Classification System 2. Problems of Classification b) False conclusions – Evolutionary approach – Common ancestors? – Nonbiblical worldviews
2. Problems of Classification c) Species and biblical kinds
Biblical Kind A grouping of organisms, established by God, that are able to breed among themselves and produce offspring.
B. The Modern Classification System 2. Problems of Classification c) Species and biblical kinds – Not the same – Scientists can define species however they want; it is a man-made concept.