® IBM Software Group © 2003 IBM Corporation Using TSM Backup Archive Client with Microsoft Cluster Services Presented by Chris Garro and Benjamin Lane August 28 st, 2008
IBM Software Group 2 Agenda Tsm B/A Client Supported Environments Overview of Microsoft clustering services Overview of TSM With MSCS Installing and configuring a TSM backup/archive client with MSCS Creating a Generic Resource Journaling in a Cluster Best Practices Common Configuration Problems References Questions
IBM Software Group 3 Tsm B/A Client Supported Environments Windows 2003 Server, all editions (32 bit or 64 bit as appropriate, all SPs supported) Windows 2008 Server and Windows 2008 Server Core, all editions. Support requires client level or higher. 1.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=663&context=SSGSG7&uid= swg &loc=en_US&cs=utf-8&lang=en 1.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=663&context=SSGSG7&uid= swg &loc=en_US&cs=utf-8&lang=en
IBM Software Group 4 Benefits of TSM in a MSCS Environment Benefits of cluster service: High availability/Failover – TSM services, disk drives, IP addresses can be automatically transferred to surviving server—users experience only a momentary pause in service. Failback – Service can re-balance the workload in a cluster if a previously failed server comes back on-line Manageability – Applications can be moved to different servers within the cluster by dragging and dropping the cluster objects. This can be used to manually balance server workloads and to unload servers for planned maintenance Scalability – Nodes can easily be added to the cluster to meet workload demands
IBM Software Group 5 The Cluster Administrator Physical Nodes Cluster Name Resource Location Offline Resources Resource Groups
IBM Software Group 6 Configuring MSCS Installing and configuring the clustering service There are several excellent documents on Microsoft’s knowledge base: For Windows 2008: us/magazine/cc672627(TechNet.10).aspx For Windows 2003: clustering.mspx servercluster.mspx
IBM Software Group 7 TSM Cluster Environment
IBM Software Group 8 Overview of TSM With MSCS Client is cluster aware User option CLUSTERNODE YES in the cluster dsm.Opt Scheduler is managed as cluster resource Failover will move scheduler to other node in cluster Failover during backup may restart scheduled backup Data protection modules (MS exchange, MS SQL-server, domino, oracle, mySap) will function properly in a clustered environment TSM includes support for journal based backups in a clustered environment
IBM Software Group 9 What Happens When a Failover Occurs? During a failover all resource groups move from failing cluster node to the receiving cluster node and any necessary services will start/restart. If no TSM scheduled backup is running The TSM scheduler service is started and ready to perform the next scheduled backup If a TSM scheduled backup is running The TSM scheduler service is started If the backup is within the schedule’s start-up window, the scheduler service will attempt to restart the backup from the beginning If the backup is outside of the schedule’s start-up window, no further action is taken—the schedule fails If a non-TSM scheduled backup is running, it will not be restarted by TSM on receiving node
IBM Software Group 10 Installing the TSM Client on Cluster Nodes Use the cluster administrator to figure out which cluster groups contain physical disk resources to backup Register a TSM node for each resource group Configure the client options file (dsm.opt) for each resource group Nodename – you must specify a unique name for each cluster resource group (ex. TSM_ClustergroupA) Tcpserveraddress – the name of the TSM server which the backups will go to Domain – specify the drive letters for the physical disk managed by the resource group Clusternode – specify “yes” Clusterdriveonly – specify “yes” for mount points or “no” for non-mount points? "No" will help increase the startup performance of the TSM client Passwordaccess – must use “generate” Errorlogname, Schedlogname – specify a unique name for each cluster resource group and place on a resource (shared disk) owned by the resource group
IBM Software Group 11 Client Options File for a Cluster Resource Group
IBM Software Group 12 TSM Client on a Cluster Example
IBM Software Group 13 Manual Setup of Scheduler Configure the scheduler service for each resource group Each cluster resource group must have a uniquely named scheduler service installed Ensure that local node owns the resource group then issue this command: dsmcutil install scheduler /name:“TSM Sched:cluster group“ /clientdir:“c:\program files\tivoli\tsm\baclient” /optfile:“d:\tsm\dsm.opt” /node:naples_cluster /password:nodepassword /validate:yes /autostart:yes /startnow:yes /clusternode:yes /clustername:tsmcluster The setup wizard may also be used to configure the scheduler service for a cluster node Authentication: dsmc –optfile=
IBM Software Group 14 Setting up Scheduler with GUI
IBM Software Group 15 Setting up Scheduler with GUI
IBM Software Group 16 Setting up Scheduler with GUI
IBM Software Group 17 Setting up Scheduler with GUI
IBM Software Group 18 Setting up Scheduler with GUI
IBM Software Group 19 Create a generic service resource for the TSM scheduler service Create the generic service resource in each resource group that will be backed up This entry associates the TSM scheduler service with the resource group If the resource group fails over to another node the TSM scheduler service will also move The TSM scheduler service will notify all other nodes of automatic password changes If you manually change the node password via a TSM administrator, you must stop the TSM scheduler service, regenerate the password, and restart the service Creating a Generic Resource
IBM Software Group 20 Creating a Generic Resource
IBM Software Group 21 Creating a Generic Service (Cont.) Must be set as a Generic Service
IBM Software Group 22 Possible Owners should show all nodes that can own the Resource Group Creating a Generic Service (Cont.)
IBM Software Group 23 All Available resources need to be under Resource Dependencies for the group Creating a Generic Service (Cont.)
IBM Software Group 24 Creating a Generic Service (Cont.) The Service name must match the scheduler service name exactly as configured with dsmcutil.exe or the setup wizard
IBM Software Group 25 Creating a Generic Service (Cont.) 5.4 and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWAR E\IBM\ADSM\CurrentVersion\Nodes\ \ 5.3 -
IBM Software Group 26 Properly Configured Generic Resource
IBM Software Group 27 Setting up Journaling in a Cluster In the following example, the Journal service is installed in a Cluster system; notice the similarity with the Scheduler service installation in the same Cluster: Journal Service dsmcutil install journal /name:"TSM Journal service: group-a" /clientdir:"c:\Program Files\tivoli\tsm\baclient" /jbbconfigfile:d:\tsm\tsmjbbd.ini /optfile:d:\tsm\dsm.opt /node:naples_cluster /autostart:yes /startnow:yes Scheduler Service dsmcutil install SCHEDuler /name:"TSM Scheduler service" /clientdir:"c:\Program Files\tivoli\tsm\baclient" /optfile:d:\tsm\dsm.opt /node:naples_cluster /password:nodepassword /validate:yes /autostart:no /startnow:no /clusternode:yes /clustername:tsmcluster
IBM Software Group 28 The DSMCUTIL program should be used to install multiple JBB services on the same machine. Currently, the GUI does not have this feature. Each file system or clustered group is backed up to a specific node, each filesystem uses a specific dsm.opt file. Note: Journaling the same file system with multiple journal services may produce unpredictable results, each journal service should be configured to journal different file systems. Setting up Journaling in a Cluster
IBM Software Group 29 In the following slides, we are assuming that the option files for the local disks and clustered disks (shared resources) already exist: C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\Baclient\dsm.opt(Local) D:\TSM\dsm.opt(CG1) E:\TSM\dsm.opt(CG2) Install the first Journal service to journal the local disks. Use the GUI and the dsm.opt file locate in the default baclient directory. The default JournalPipe value will be used with that file: JournalPipe \\.\pipe\jnlServer1 Setting up Journaling in a Cluster
IBM Software Group 30 Add the appropriate JournalPipe option to the options files: JournalPipe \\.\pipe\jnlServiceCG1 (in the D:\TSM\dsm.opt file where D: is a disk owned by Cluster Group 1) JournalPipe \\.\pipe\jnlServiceCG2 (in the E:\TSM\dsm.opt file where E: is a disk owned by Cluster Group 2) Create and setup a seperate tsmjbbd.ini for each Cluster Group, example: D:\TSM\tsmjbbdCG1.ini E:\TSM\tsmjbbdCG2.ini Setting up Journaling in a Cluster
IBM Software Group 31 Edit the.ini files to add the JournalPipe to the [JournalSettings] stanza: JournalPipe=\\.\pipe\jnlServiceCG1 (in the D:\TSM\tsmjbbdCG1.ini) JournalPipe=\\.\pipe\jnlServiceCG2 (in the E:\TSM\tsmjbbdCG2.ini) Setting up Journaling in a Cluster
IBM Software Group 32 Adjust the tsmjbbd.ini definitions on each file (journaled file system, notify buffer size, notify filter, etc.). Locate the journal data bases on the shared resources (e.g. D:\TSM, E:\TSM directories). Install the second journal service: dsmcutil install journal /name:"TSM Journal Service CG1“ /optfile:D:\TSM\dsm.opt /node:Naples_cluster /autostart:yes /startnow:yes /jbbconfigfile:D:\TSM\tsmjbbdCG1.ini Install the third journal service: dsmcutil install journal /name:"TSM Journal Service CG2“ /optfile:E:\TSM\dsm.opt /node:Keywest_cluster /autostart:yes /startnow:yes /jbbconfigfile:E:\TSM\tsmjbbdCG2.ini Setting up Journaling in a Cluster
IBM Software Group 33 Once the TSM Journal has been configured on the first cluster node, the Cluster Groups will need to be moved over to the next owner and repeat the previous configuration steps Repeat for all other cluster nodes in the cluster Setting up Journaling in a Cluster
IBM Software Group 34 Finally, each journal service needs to be added as a Resource of type Generic for it’s respective cluster group in Cluster Administrator” After clicking Next, select update the “Possible Owners” as necessary then Next Use a drive in the group as a dependency, click on Next Setting up Journaling in a Cluster
IBM Software Group 35 Then enter the service name as it was entered when creating the service with dsmcutil. Then click on Next followed by finish. Setting up Journaling in a Cluster
IBM Software Group 36 For further information on journal configuration: STE - LinkLink FAQ - LinkLink B/A Client Manual - LinkLink Setting up Journaling in a Cluster
IBM Software Group 37 Best Practices Naming conventions – take the time to develop a naming convention that you can live with. There are many similar entities that need names and it can get confusing. Bad names can make it even more confusing Disk volume label, resource group name, resource name Node name, resource group name, service name, generic service resource name
IBM Software Group 38 Best Practices (Cont.) Password management If you don’t manually change your password and you use passwordaccess=generate (you must) then you won’t have a problem If you manually change the password – force a fail-over to all nodes to be sure it is properly set dsmc –optfile=d:\tsm\dsm.Opt
IBM Software Group 39 Best Practices (Cont.) Avoid syntax mistakes when typing dsmcutil commands. Understand what each of the special dsmcutil.exe options mean, and when to use them. For example: /clustername: Specifies the name of the Microsoft cluster /clusternode:yes Only specified in dsm.opt file or when installing scheduler service for a cluster group.
IBM Software Group 40 Common Points of Failure Using the incorrect syntax for registry replication
IBM Software Group 41 Common Points of Failure (Cont.) TSM nodename cannot be the machines hostname when using CLUSTERNODE YES option
IBM Software Group 42 Common Points of Failure (Cont.) Ensure that the proper dsm.opt file(s) is used for the cluster. Scheduler service fails to restart once a failover of the cluster group occurs TSM 5.4 and higher the registry key is : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBM\ADSM\Curre ntVersion\Nodes\ \
IBM Software Group 43 References TSM windows client: installation and users guide - GC IBM knowledge base – ibm.com/software/sysmgmt/products/support/IBMTiv oliStorageManager.htmlhttp://www- 306.ibm.com/software/sysmgmt/products/support/IBMTiv oliStorageManager.html “What steps are needed to setup the TSM journaling service in a MSCS environment?” “TSM client scheduler setup using MANAGEDSERVICES and windows cluster” “Setup wizard: usage of client GUI setup wizard in an MSCS environment
IBM Software Group 44 References TSM Support Page StorageManager.html StorageManager.html IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Information Center om.ibm.itstorage.doc/toc.xml om.ibm.itstorage.doc/toc.xml FTP Site – Product Readmes ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/storage/tivoli-storage-management/ ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/storage/tivoli-storage-management/
IBM Software Group 45 References Continued Customer support handbook Other useful Web sites (these forums are not maintained by IBM)
IBM Software Group 46 References Continued IBM Support Assistant IBM Education Assistant Redbooks Tivoli Field Guides Search for Tivoli Storage
IBM Software Group 47 Q&A: The operator will instruct you on how to ask your questions of the presenters.