CBM Collaboration Meeting, GSI Experimental features of strip-RPCs Motivation FOPIs Multistrip-Multigap-RPCs Results Conclusions
CBM Collaboration Meeting, GSI Motivation CBM ToF wall area ~ 100 m modules with ~ 1 m 2 t 95 % rate ~ kHz/cm 2 ~ channels Multi strip RPCs are one of the possibilities to fulfill the CBM-ToF requirements. The characteristical features of strip-RPCs can be determined with the FOPI Multistrip-Multigap-RPCs.
CBM Collaboration Meeting, GSI MMRPC design Multi-pin connector Multi-strip anode Capacitor block FOPIs MMRPC - parameters active area 90 x 4,6 cm strips16 strip / gap 1.64 / 0.9 mm glass thickness1 mm / 0.5 mm number of gaps2 x 4 gap width 220 m gas: Reclin/SF 6 /iso-But 80/15/5 Mounting table MRPC glass stack
CBM Collaboration Meeting, GSI FOPIs MMRPC barrel FOPI´s new ToF-barrel was used during the first Ni+Ni run in September 2007 MMRPC Barrel characteristics: - 30 SM, 5 counters each with 16 strips time charge channels - active area 5.12 m 2 - t 95 %, rate ~ 0,02 kHz/cm 2 RPCPreamp.Disc. QDCTAC FEE 5 Taquila input pulser QDC ouput TAC ouput Elec. resol. FEE ~ 18 ps TAC ~ 10 ps t ~ 15 ps E < 25 ps 10 bit12 bit free running common stop system at 40 MHz
CBM Collaboration Meeting, GSI MMRPC performance t < 94 ps v [cm/ns] p [GeV/c] p K+K+ ++ d t T.I. Kang system time resolution
CBM Collaboration Meeting, GSI Cluster size Cluster size drops at the edges - pure geometrical effect mean cluster size is 4.2 for the inner strips cluster cluster = group of neighboring strips with signals generated by a single avalanche 11 mm
CBM Collaboration Meeting, GSI Cluster charge vs. minimum ionizing particles correlation between mean cluster charge and energy deposition of the particle (Bethe-Bloch) mean cluster charge
CBM Collaboration Meeting, GSI Mean cluster charge - charge drops on the size strips - edge effects diminish the electrical field cathode anode strips ~5 mm strip: 1.64 mm gap: 0.6 mm
CBM Collaboration Meeting, GSI intrinsic time resolution intrinsic time resolution = time difference between hits in different strips for one cluster in the middle region of the rpc the intrinsic time resolution is about 30 ps electronic time res. The degradation towards the sides can be understood by the decreasing signal-to-noise ratio caused by the dropping pulse hight.
CBM Collaboration Meeting, GSI cluster size dependence Same argumentation as in the slide before. more strips per cluster more charge and pulse hight better signal-to-noise ratio better intr. time resolution
CBM Collaboration Meeting, GSI cluster size dependence charge per cluster grows linearly with the cluster size
CBM Collaboration Meeting, GSI Conclusions -The FOPI MMRPC is ideal to study the characteristics of narrow strip counters. - side effects are clearly identified build larger structures. - cross talk does not seem to be a problem (so far) - multihit analysis just started pickup electrode RPC development for CBM active area 20 x 16,5 cm strips8 strip / gap 19.1 / 0.9 mm 4 strips are subdivided sub-strip / gap 1.6 / 0.9 mm glass typefloat glass thickness0.5 mm number of gaps2 x 4 gap width 220 m FOPI type read out
CBM Collaboration Meeting, GSI People GSI – FOPI:Uni-HD:Korea University, K.Hildenbrand M.CiobanuSeoul: T.I.Kang I.DeppnerB.Hong Y.J.Kim N.Herrmann M.Kis P-A. Loizeau P.Koczon K.Piasecki GSI-EE: Y.Leifels A.Reischl E.Badura M.Marquardt Y. ZhangR.Hardel W.ReisdorfK.Koch M.S.RyuNIPNE Bucharest:N.Kurz A.SchüttaufM.PetroviciW.Ott J.WeinertV.SimionR.Schulze X.Zhang N.Zernezki thank you