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Radioactivity and radioisotopes

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Benefits & Dangers of: Radioisotopes
Benefits & Dangers of: Radioisotopes
Presentation transcript:


Uses of radioisotopes Tracers: radioisotopes can be detected in very small and safe quantities, so they can be used as tracers in the following examples: Checking the function of body organ Tracking a plant’s uptake of fertilizers Detecting leaks in underground pipes Artificial isotopes with small half lives are used

Radiotherapy: Cobalt -60 is a strong gamma emitter Radiotherapy: Cobalt -60 is a strong gamma emitter. A concentrated beam can be used to kill cancer cells Testing cracks like X rays Thickness monitoring of tyres Carbon dating Dating rocks

CARBON DATING There are two isotopes of carbon in the atmosphere: 14C and 12C. 12C is stable but 14C is radioactive with a half life of 5000 yrs However, it is made as quickly as it decays. So the ratio of 14C to 12C is always the same. When the plants die, the 14C decays, so by measuring the ratio of 14C to 12C , the age of a piece of dead organic matter can be found.